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A.W. Pink

The Antichrist Chapter 12 TYPES OF THE ANTICHRIST.

A.W. PinkThe Antichrist Chapter 12 TYPES OF THE ANTICHRIST. "In the volume of the book it is written of Me" (Heb. 10:7), said the Lord Jesus. Christ is the key to the Scriptures—"Search the Scriptures...they are they which testify of Me," are His words; and the Scriptures to which He had reference were not t... Read More
Alfred Edersheim

Sketches of Jewish Social Life - Part 2

Alfred EdersheimAs for the Rabbis, the leaders of public opinion, their position towards the kingdom was quite different. Although in the rising of Bar Cochab the great Rabbi Akiba acted as the religious standard-bearer, he may be looked upon as almost an exception. His character was that of an enthusiast, his hist... Read More
Eli Brayley

Sonidos Extranos Del Campamento Pretribulacional

SONIDOS EXTRAÑOS DEL CAMPAMENTO PRETRIBULACIONAL Por Eli Brayley “Y si la trompeta diere sonido incierto, ¿quién se preparará para la batalla?” 1 Corintios 14:8 Nunca deja de asombrarme como la enseñanza de un rapto pretribulacional puede sacar conclusiones tan fantásticas de pasajes bíblicos tan di... Read More
Sir Robert Anderson

The Prophetic Year

Sir Robert AndersonIN English ears it must sound pedantic to speak of "weeks" in any other than the familiar acceptation of the term. But with the Jew it was far otherwise. The effect of his laws was fitted "to render the word week capable of meaning a seven of years almost as naturally as a seven of days. Indeed the ... Read More
Principles For The Gathering Of Believers

76 - Chronological Bible Reading of Scriptures

Principles For The Gathering Of BelieversThere is a great need in the body of Christ for consistent reading of the Holy Scriptures in their entirety, book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. In this case we are encouraging a chronological reading of the Scriptures. Most of the confusion is created when certain teachers, groups, or... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Adorn (2885) kosmeo

Adorn ("to ornament") (2885) (kosmeo from kosmos = adorning or order, ornament, decoration, adornment -- this root word gives us our English cosmetic something women use to "adorn" their face and make themselves more physically attractive) speaks of that which is to put in order. To make congruous, ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Affliction (2347) thlipsis

Tribulation (2347) (thlipsis from thlibo = to crush, press together, squash, hem in, compress, squeeze in turn derived from thláo = to break) originally expressed sheer, physical pressure on a man. Thlipsis is a strong term which does not refer to minor inconveniences, but to real hardships. Medical... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Announce (312) anaggello/anangello

Announce (312)(anaggello/anangello from aná = up to, again, back {like our English prefix "re-"= again thus "re-port" or "re-hearse" = to say again} + aggéllo = tell, declare related to ággelos = messenger) means to bring back word and later to announce, to report. To rehearse, to show, to declare o... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Anxiety (3308) merimna

Anxiety:(3308) (merimna from merizo = to divide or draw different directions - which is exactly what anxiety does to most of us!) refers to a care (the sole way it is translated in the KJV) or concern and so to care for someone or something. It is often used in a negative sense and thus is translate... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Care (3308) merimna

Anxiety:(3308) (merimna from merizo = to divide or draw different directions - which is exactly what anxiety does to most of us!) refers to a care (the sole way it is translated in the KJV) or concern and so to care for someone or something. It is often used in a negative sense and thus is translate... Read More

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