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Blaise Pascal


Blaise Pascal1. The difference between the mathematical and the intuitive mind.—In the one, the principles are palpable, but removed from ordinary use; so that for want of habit it is difficult to turn one's mind in that direction: but if one turns it thither ever so little, one sees the principles fully, and on... Read More
Principles For The Gathering Of Believers

76 - Chronological Bible Reading of Scriptures

Principles For The Gathering Of BelieversThere is a great need in the body of Christ for consistent reading of the Holy Scriptures in their entirety, book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. In this case we are encouraging a chronological reading of the Scriptures. Most of the confusion is created when certain teachers, groups, or... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Friend (5384) philos

Friend (5384) (philos) means loved (loved one), dear, befriended, friendly, kind. Philos can mean kindly disposed or devoted (Acts 19:31). Philos describes one having special interest in someone else. One who is on intimate terms or in close association with someone else Philos can describe a love w... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Grace (favor) (5485) charis

Grace (5485) (charis from from chairo = to rejoice. English = charity. Beggars need "charity" even as sinners need grace, for we are all spiritual paupers outside of Christ, but "God gives where he finds empty hands"-Augustine [cp Mt 5:3-note]) is a word which defies a simple definition but at its c... Read More
Greek Word Studies

High (5311) hupsos/hypsos

High (5311) (hupsos from húpsi = high, aloft) means elevation, altitude, the sky. As used figuratively in James (see below) it speaks of dignity or being exalted (as having a "high" position). Luke 1:78 Because of the tender mercy of our God, With which the Sunrise (KJV = Dayspring - the Messiah's c... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Kingdom (932) basileia

Kingdom (932) (basileia from basileus = a sovereign, king, monarch) denotes sovereignty, royal power, dominion. Basileia can also refer to the territory or people over whom a king rules (See "Three Basic Meanings" below). At the outset it should be noted that the Kingdom of Heaven/God is both simple... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Marriage (1062) gamos

Marriage (1062) (gamos) described a public ceremony in which a man and a woman entered into a marital relationship and so speaks of a wedding or wedding feast (Jn 2:1). Here in Hebrews 13:4 gamos describes the actual state of being married. Eschatologically (prophetic, future) gamos refers to the we... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Perform, Practice (4160) (poieo)

Do, done, did, doing; Make, made, makes, making; Perform, Practice (4160) (poieo) occurs 568 times, primarily in the Gospels and in a wide variety of contexts, which makes it difficult to do a simple word study. BDAG says poieo is "a multivalent term (possessing many meanings), often without pointed... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Rejects (set aside, nullify)(114) atheteo

Rejects (114)(atheteo from áthetos = not placed from a = without + thetós = placed) means to regard as nothing, to declare invalid, to not recognize, to annul (make ineffective, inoperative or nonexistent), to spurn, to despise. To do away with what has been laid down. Thayer writes that atheteo mea... Read More
G.H. Lang

Coming Events

G.H. LangAn outline of a vast theme must needs omit much detail and cannot admit much discussion. This tends to a definiteness which may seem dogmatic, but this is not intentional. Copious references to Scripture are given in proof, but these must be read, and read in the Revised Version. Though abundant in ... Read More

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