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A.W. Pink

THE HOLY SPIRIT Chapter 7 The Holy Spirit and Christ

A.W. PinkTHE HOLY SPIRIT Chapter 7 The Holy Spirit and Christ We are afraid that our treatment of the particular aspect of this many-sided theme which is now before us is rather too abstruse for some of our readers to follow, yet we trust they will kindly bear with us as we endeavor to write for those who ar... Read More
Historic Confessions

Gadsby's Catechism

Q.1 Who is the only self-existent Being? ANSWER. God is the only self-existent Being. Ex. 3. 14; Psa. 90. 2; Isa. 45. 5, 22; Jn. 8.58. Q.2 Ought everyone to believe that there is a God? ANSWER. Everyone ought to believe that there is a God, and it is their great sin and folly who do not. Psa. 9.17; ... Read More
John Nelson Darby

A Reading on Galatians 2:19-21

John Nelson DarbyYou get four things brought out in this passage: the law, the cross, Christ the life, and Christ the object. First. It is the righteousness of the law; the rule and measure of what man as a child of Adam ought to be - loving God with all his heart, and his neighbour as himself, and doing nothing for... Read More
John Nelson Darby

Joshua 1 - 13

John Nelson DarbyJoshua 1. The first thought is to cross the Jordan. Verses 3, 4. The principles come in afterwards, namely, all the extent of the promises of God; but realization by the fact that one takes possession of them. There is a connection between the moral state of man down here, and the glory of man above... Read More
John Nelson Darby

Reading on the Fifth Book of Psalms Psalms 107-150

John Nelson DarbyThis is a kind of supplementary book which unfolds to us the ways and dealings of God when Israel is brought back. It begins by recounting the vicissitudes of their return, and their being sunk down again, after having got into the land; but coupled with this, there is the testimony that God's mercy... Read More
John Nelson Darby

The Lord's Second Coming

John Nelson DarbyThe coming of the Lord is connected itself with the whole life and ways of the Christian, and we will now look a little into this. I turn to it not simply to bring proof of His coming, but to see the way in which it is connected with all the thoughts and with all the feelings of the Christian's life... Read More
Precept Austin Commentary

Jude 1:5

Precept Austin CommentaryJude 1:5 Now I desire to remind you, though you know all things once for all, that the Lord, after saving a people out of the land of Egypt, subsequently destroyed those who did not believe: hupomnesai (AAN) de humas boulomai (1SPMI) eidotas (RAPMPA) humas panta hoti o kurios apax laon ek ges Aigupt... Read More
Richard E. Bieber


Have you ever been mad at God? I know I have. Perhaps there is someone reading these words who, beneath their prayers and praises, is nevertheless somewhat "ticked" at God for the crummy hand you've been dealt….the stuff you've had to live through! "If there is a God, why does he make it so hard for... Read More
Richard E. Bieber


The call to the life of faith is a call to something much higher, much more far-reaching and powerful than we have been inclined to think. Now the Lord said to Abram, "Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great natio... Read More
Walter Beuttler

Study Notes - The Call of God

Walter BeuttlerA. THE NEED 1. The people’s condition, John 12:46; 1:6-8 2. The hunger of the people, Luke 5:1 3. The extent of the field, Luke 4:42-44; Acts 1:8 4. The ripeness of the fields, John 4:35 5. The urgency of the hour, John 9:4 6. The need of the people, I Sam. 3:1; Prov. 29:18 7. God’s need of a channe... Read More

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