Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Philip Doddridge

The Sinner Arraigned And Convicted

1. Conviction of guilt necessary.--2. A charge of rebellion against God advanced.--3. Where it is shown--that all men are born under God's law.--4. That no man hath perfectly kept it.--5. An appeal to the reader's conscience on this head, that he hath not.--6. That to have broken it, is an evil inex... Read More
Principles For The Gathering Of Believers

76 - Chronological Bible Reading of Scriptures

Principles For The Gathering Of BelieversThere is a great need in the body of Christ for consistent reading of the Holy Scriptures in their entirety, book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. In this case we are encouraging a chronological reading of the Scriptures. Most of the confusion is created when certain teachers, groups, or... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Armor (3696) hoplon

Instruments (3696) (hoplon) originally described any tool or implement for preparing a thing and then became specialized to refer to items such as a ship's tackling, a cable, a rope or a tool of any kind (blacksmith tools, sickle, staff) and then in the plural was used for "weapons of warfare. And s... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Dead (3498)(nekros)

Dead (3498)(nekros from nékus/nekys = a corpse > English - necropsy, necromancy, necrosis, necrophobia, necrophilia, etc) literally describes that which is devoid of life, that which is in the condition in which breath and all vital functions have ceased (Acts 20:9). Nekros means deprived of vital f... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Hades (86) hades

Hades (86) (hades) is the transliteration of the Greek word Hades (from a = negative + eido = to see) literally means "not seen" or "unseen". In Homer hades is spelled Haides and means obscure, dark, invisible. As discussed below from Luke 16:23 we discover that Hades is the region of departed spiri... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Lawlessness (458) anomia

Lawlessness (458) (anomia) from a = negates what follows + nomos = law) literally describes that which is without the law and signifies, not merely the abstract idea, but disregard for, or actual breach of, the law of God. Anomia means “no law,” and emphasizes an attitude of disregard for the statut... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Weapon (3696) hoplon

Instruments (3696) (hoplon) originally described any tool or implement for preparing a thing and then became specialized to refer to items such as a ship's tackling, a cable, a rope or a tool of any kind (blacksmith tools, sickle, staff) and then in the plural was used for "weapons of warfare. And s... Read More

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