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Alfred Edersheim

Sketches of Jewish Social Life - Part 2

Alfred EdersheimAs for the Rabbis, the leaders of public opinion, their position towards the kingdom was quite different. Although in the rising of Bar Cochab the great Rabbi Akiba acted as the religious standard-bearer, he may be looked upon as almost an exception. His character was that of an enthusiast, his hist... Read More
Gareth Evans

The mark of the Intercessor.

Gareth EvansPart Two: The mark of the Intercessor. Reading: Ezekiel 8-10 especially 9:4: "...and put a mark upon the foreheads of the men who sigh and groan over all the abominations that are committed in (the city)" Ezekiel is in captivity in Babylon when he has a vision of the situation 'back home' in Jerusal... Read More


ANGELS The Greek word for angels means (and is sometimes translated) messenger. It is used for God, for men (as in Lk.7:24), for man's spirit (Acts 12:15) but primarily for a great order of spirit-creatures. Our study will be confined to these creatures. Although generally unseen, angels are very re... Read More
Early Church Martyr Readings


1. THE HOLY PROPHET EZEKIEL Ezekiel was the son of a priest from the town of Sarir. He was taken to Babylon into captivity with King Jeoiachim along with many other Israelites. Living in captivity, Ezekiel prophesied for twenty-seven years. He was a contemporary of the Prophet Jeremiah. While Jeremi... Read More
Old Paths Magazine - Issue 18

Perilous Times by John Owen

Warning Of Imminent Dangers “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come." II Timothy 3:1 THE WORDS CONTAIN A warning of imminent dangers. And there are four things in them: First, the manner of the warning: "This know also," Secondly, the evil itself that they are warned of: "Pe... Read More
Principles For The Gathering Of Believers

76 - Chronological Bible Reading of Scriptures

Principles For The Gathering Of BelieversThere is a great need in the body of Christ for consistent reading of the Holy Scriptures in their entirety, book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. In this case we are encouraging a chronological reading of the Scriptures. Most of the confusion is created when certain teachers, groups, or... Read More
A.W. Tozer

The terrible doctrine of the Remnant

A.W. TozerRom 9:27 Isaiah also cries concerning Israel, “though the numbers of the sons of Israel is as the sands of the sea, a remnant shall be saved.’ I want to articulate a doctrine in the Bible that is very troubling and alarming. I am very much afraid that the Bible is a more alarming book than we know .... Read More
Classic Christian Writings

Hold Fast! Pray Through! By W. C. Moore

With the serious falling away among Christian people apparent in our day, many despair of ever again seeing a real Holy Spirit revival. But Peter, moved by the Holy Spirit, shows us that the prophecy of Joel is for the Church age (Read Acts 2:14-20). The Church age began on the day of Pentecost, and... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Babe (infant, immature) (3516) nepios

Immature (3516) (nepios from nê = negative + epos = not able to talk) means literally not speaking and thus a small child above age of a helpless infant but probably not more than three or four years of age. Figuratively as here in Romans nepios refers to a person who lacks experience, is untried or... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Draw near (at hand, approach) (1448) eggizo

Draw near (1448) (eggizo) means to approach, draw closer to, draw near, be near, come near, all these uses referring to moving in space and drawing closer to some point. In short, to draw near in space. (Mt 21:1, Lk 7:12, 15:1, 25, 18:35. 19:29, 37, 41). Hiebert writes that in eggizo was used in the... Read More

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