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A.W. Pink

PRACTICAL CHRISTIANITY Part 1: The Christian’s Beginning Chapter 3 THE GREAT CHANGE

A.W. PinkPRACTICAL CHRISTIANITY Part 1: The Christian’s Beginning Chapter 3 THE GREAT CHANGE Old Things Passed Away Some of our older readers may recall a book which made quite a stir in the religious world, especially the Arminian sections of it, some forty years ago. It was entitled "Twice-born Men", and w... Read More
A.W. Pink


A.W. PinkTHE DOCTRINE OF RECONCILIATION Chapter 20 Its Scope-Continued "And having made peace through the blood of His cross, by Him to reconcile all things unto Himself, whether things in earth or things in heaven" (Col. 1:20). In the final paragraphs of our last we touched upon this aspect of our subject, ... Read More
A.W. Pink

The Doctrine of Sanctification 19. Its Rule (CONTINUED)

A.W. PinkThe Doctrine of Sanctification 19. Its Rule (CONTINUED) It has been pointed out in earlier chapters that our practical sanctification by the Spirit is but His continuing and completing of the work which He began in us at regeneration and conversion. Now saving conversion consists in our being delive... Read More
A.W. Pink


A.W. PinkTHE LAW AND THE SAINT 2. THE NEGATIVE SIDE What is the relation between the Law and the saint? By the Law we refer to the Ten Commandments engraven upon the tables of stone by the finger of God; by the saint we mean, the believer living in the present dispensation. What, then, is the relation betwee... Read More
A.W. Pink

The Satisfaction of Christ Studies in the Atonement 16. Its Results-Continued

A.W. PinkThe Satisfaction of Christ Studies in the Atonement 16. Its Results-Continued Numerous and fearful have been the errors into which many have fallen when treating of the results of the perfect Satisfaction which Christ offered unto God on behalf of His people. Reconciliation has, on the one hand, bee... Read More
A.W. Pink

The Satisfaction of Christ Studies in the Atonement 21. Its Typification

A.W. PinkThe Satisfaction of Christ Studies in the Atonement 21. Its Typification Christ has been greatly dishonored and His atonement grievously misrepresented by the attempts which have often been made to illustrate it from supposed analogies in human relations. Rightly has it been said that, "The plan of ... Read More
A.W. Pink


A.W. PinkWe have now arrived at a stage of our subject which we fear is not likely to be of much interest to many of our readers; yet we would ask them to kindly bear with us for the sake of those who are anxious to have a systematic exposition thereof. We write, therefore, for those who desire answers to su... Read More
Andrew Murray

Sin vs The Holiness of God

Andrew MurrayTo understand grace, to understand Christ aright, we must understand what sin is. And how otherwise can we come to this understanding than through the light of God and his word? Come with me to the beginning of the Bible. See there man created by God, after his image, and pronounced by his creator t... Read More
Charles G. Finney

Forfeiting Birth-right Blessings

Charles G. Finney"Looking diligently, lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled: Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright. For ye know how that afterward, when he would have ... Read More
Charles G. Finney

The Holy Spirit of Promise

Charles G. FinneyText. Gal. 3:14.--That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. This text teaches us: I. THAT THE BLESSING OF ABRAHAM HAS COME ON THE GENTILES THROUGH JESUS CHRIST. II. IT TEACHES WHAT THIS BLESSING IS. II... Read More

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