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A.W. Pink

The Word of Victory

A.W. PinkThe Seven Sayings of the Saviour on the Cross 6. THE WORD OF VICTORY "When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished" John 19:30 OUR LAST TWO STUDIES have been occupied with the tragedy of the cross; we turn now to its triumph. In his words, "My God, my God, why hast thou for... Read More
Chuck Smith

Through the Bible - Genesis 15-18

Chuck SmithNow after these things (Gen 15:1) That is, after the battle against these kings, after the meeting of Melchizedek, after the refusal of taking the reward and so forth from the king of Sodom. the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding... Read More
Erlo Stegen

Lot - A man who began well but ended badly!

Erlo StegenGen 18:1, "Then the LORD appeared to him by the terebinth trees of Mamre, as he was sitting in the tent door in the heat of the day." Gen 13:8, "So Abram said to Lot, “Please let there be no strife between you and me, and between my herdsmen and your herdsmen; for we are brethren." Lot was Abraham's... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 291

George FoxFriends,—Keep your women's meetings in the power of God, which the devil is out of; and take your possession of that which you are heirs of, and keep the gospel order. For man and woman were helps-meet [Gen 2:18] in the image of God [Gen 1:27], and in righteousness and holiness, in the dominion, bef... Read More
John Gill

1 Peter 3:6

John GillVer. 6. Even as Sarah obeyed Abraham,.... Going along with him wherever he went, as from Chaldea to Canaan, and into Egypt, and the land of the Philistines, saying the words he put into her mouth, Ge 12:5 and doing the things he bid her do, Ge 18:6 "calling him lord"; or "my lord", as the Syriac and... Read More
John Gill

Christ a Priest After the Order of Melchizedek.

John GillCHRIST A PRIEST AFTER THE ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK. A Sermon PSALM 110:4. The Lord hath sworn, and will not repent, Thou art a priest forever, after the order of Melchizedek. I have in a late discourse shown you that Levi’s Urim and Thummim are to be found with Christ, and I shall now endeavour to make ... Read More
John Gill

Of a Plurality on the Godhead; or, A Trinity of Persons in the Unity of the Divine Essence.

John GillA Body of Doctrinal Divinity Book 1—Chapter 27 OF A PLURALITY IN THE GODHEAD; OR, A TRINITY OF PERSONS IN THE UNITY OF THE DIVINE ESSENCE. Having proved the unity of the divine Being, and explained the sense in which it is to be understood; my next work will be to prove that there is a plurality in ... Read More
John Gill

Of the Duties of Husband and Wife.

John GillA Body of PRACTICAL Divinity Book 4—Chapter 1 OF THE RESPECTIVE DUTIES OF HUSBAND AND WIFE Having considered Public Worship in all its branches, I now proceed to treat of Private Worship; by which I mean, not merely the private teachings and instructions of a master of a family, to those who are und... Read More
John Gill

Of the Exhibitions of the Covenant of Grace in the Patriarchal State.

John GillA Body of Doctrinal Divinity Book 4—Chapter 2 OF THE EXHIBITIONS OF THE COVENANT OF GRACE IN THE PATRIARCHAL STATE Through the administration of the covenant of grace may be considered in a three fold state; as in the patriarchal state, before the giving of the law; and then under the Mosaic dispens... Read More
Robert Murray M'Cheyne

Memoirs: 4. His Mission to Palestine and the Jews 93

Robert Murray M'CheyneCHAPTER 4 His Mission to Palestine and the Jews Here am I; send me. Isaiah 6:8 Though engaged night and day with his flock in St. Peter's, Mr. McCheyne ever cherished a missionary spirit. "This place hardens me for a foreign land," was his remark on one occasion. This spirit he sought to kindle yet ... Read More

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