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A.W. Pink

The God of Jacob

A.W. PinkThis divine title—“The God of Jacob”—is found at least fourteen times in the Old Testament, and in addition, three times we read of “The mighty God of Jacob.” Such frequent repetition argues a deep significance, and suggests valuable lessons to be learned. We never read of the God of Moses, the God ... Read More
Chuck Smith

Through the Bible - Genesis 47-50

Chuck SmithShall we turn in our Bibles now to the forty-seventh chapter of Genesis? Joseph has been sold by his brothers as a slave to the traders going to Egypt. In Egypt he is resold and purchased by a man named Potiphar who was the chief captain of the Pharaoh's guard. God prospered him and blessed him in P... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 382

George FoxFriends, consider how the blessing of the Lord came upon the obedient and faithful to the Lord, and rested upon them. The Lord said to Abraham, ‘Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and <224> from thy father's house, &c. And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, &c... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 383

George FoxDear friends and brethren in the Lord Jesus Christ, your life and salvation, your rock and foundation, rest and sanctuary, in all storms, trials, and sufferings. Now, dear friends, my desire is, that you may all strive for that which makes for peace [Rom 14:19]. ‘For blessed are the peacemakers, the... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 390

George FoxFriends,—This is the word of the Lord unto you all. All live in the seed, in which all nations are blest [Gen 22:18]; in which seed you are blessed every way, in your rising up and lying down [Deut 6:7?]; in your goings forth and comings in [Psa 121:8?]. And you have the blessings from above, and th... Read More
John Gill

1 Peter 1:4

John GillVer. 4. To an inheritance incorruptible,.... This is a further explanation of the "lively hope", or hope laid up in heaven, which regenerate ones are begotten to: it is an "inheritance"; a large estate, and rich possession, they are born heirs apparent to; what is not to be got by industry, or obtai... Read More
John Gill

Of the Names of God.

John GillA Body of Doctrinal Divinity Book 1—Chapter 3 OF THE NAMES OF GOD Being about to treat of God, and of the things of God, it may be proper to begin with his names: the names of persons and things are usually the first that are known of them; and if these are not known, it cannot be thought that much,... Read More
K.P. Yohannan

Forgiveness, the Ultimate Cure (Part 2)

K.P. YohannanThe following incident took place 1,730 years before Christ. The life of Joseph is described in Genesis 37-50. This young man underwent a lot of pain even when it wasn’t his fault. He was blameless in his words, thoughts and actions. He sincerely loved his siblings. Without questioning his parents, ... Read More


AthanasiusREFUTATION OF THE JEWS § 33 WE have dealt thus far with the Incarnation of our Saviour, and have found clear proof of the resurrection of His Body and His victory over death. Let us now go further and investigate the unbelief and the ridicule with which Jews and Gentiles respectively regard these sa... Read More
Charles Alexander

Prophecy Spiritually Understood - Pt 3 "Romans Eleven And The Two Isreals"

The understanding of verse 26 of Romans 11 does not depend upon the verse 25 going before, but upon its own internal connection with the entire range of prophecy, and is to be considered not as an addendum to the 11th chapter of Romans but as the summation of three chapters of close reasoning, which... Read More

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