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A.W. Pink


A.W. PinkREGENERATION OR THE NEW BIRTH Chapter 2 ITS NATURE We have now arrived at the most difficult part of our subject. Necessarily so, for we are about to contemplate the workings of God. These are ever mysterious, and nothing whatever can be really known about them, save what He Himself has revealed the... Read More
A.W. Pink

The Antichrist Chapter 6 THE DOOM OF THE ANTICHRIST.

A.W. PinkThe Antichrist Chapter 6 THE DOOM OF THE ANTICHRIST. If there is a measure of difficulty attending the placing and elucidation of some of the prophecies which depict the various phases and stages of the Antichrist’s career, the cloud lifts as the end is neared. And this is in full accord with many o... Read More
A.W. Pink

The Consummation of the Redeemer's Return

A.W. PinkThe Redeemer’s Return THE CONSUMMATION OF THE REDEEMER’S RETURN OR THE MILLENNIAL REIGN Chapter 10 "And the Lord shall be King over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord, and His name one." Zech. 14:9 It should now be evident to every unprejudiced reader that there are two distinct stag... Read More
A.W. Pink

THE HOLY SPIRIT Chapter 10 The Holy Spirit Regenerating

A.W. PinkTHE HOLY SPIRIT Chapter 10 The Holy Spirit Regenerating Self-Regeneration Is Impossible The absolute necessity for the regenerating operation of the Holy Spirit in order for a sinner’s being converted to God lies in his being totally depraved. Fallen man is without the least degree of right disposit... Read More
A.W. Pink

The Worldward Results of the Redeemer's Return

A.W. PinkThe Redeemer’s Return THE WORLDWARD RESULTS OF THE REDEEMER’S RETURN Chapter 9 "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sa... Read More
Chuck Smith

Deuteronomy 2:3

Chuck Smith"TIME TO MOVE" Intro: There comes to each man of God a day when God says "lets move on" I can always respond to the challenge in two ways. I. "YE HAVE COMPASSED THIS MOUNTAIN LONG ENOUGH." A. They were going in circles for forty years. 1. Life had become routine & monotonous. 2. Though moving on occ... Read More
Chuck Smith

Matthew 22:42

Chuck SmithWhat Think Ye Of Christ? Intro. The tide of resentment is building against Jesus among the religious leaders, they are in a verbal warfare. They are seeking to trap Jesus so as to turn the tide of his popular appeal. The Pharisee's had tried to catch Him in a question of paying taxes to Rome. Sadduc... Read More
Chuck Smith

Matthew 24:37

Chuck SmithThe Days of Noah I. The whole context is the signs that Jesus is giving to His disciples of His coming and the end of the world. A. I think that we all have an awareness that things cannot continue in the downward spiral that we that we have been observing for the last 40 years, that soon we will be... Read More
John Gill

Of the Spiritual Reign of Christ.

John GillA Body of Doctrinal Divinity Book 5—Chapter 14 OF THE SPIRITUAL REIGN OF CHRIST It has been observed in the preceding chapter, that Christ has been exercising his kingly office in all ages of time, both before and since his incarnation: and there are two remarkable periods of time yet to come; in wh... Read More
Thomas Brooks

No dirty dogs shall ever trample upon that golden pavement

Thomas BrooksThroughout the Scriptures, unholy people are branded, to their everlasting contempt—with the worst appellations. They are the most dangerous, and the most harmful beings in the world, and therefore are emblemized . . . by lions—for they are cruel, Psalm 22:21; by bears—for they are savage, Isaiah 11... Read More

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