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K.P. Yohannan

How the Job Was Done

K.P. YohannanIn 2 Chronicles, we find the story of King Asa, ruler of Judah. Having inherited the throne from his father, King Asa tore down all the idols of foreign gods early in his reign and commanded the people to seek the Lord (see 2 Chronicles 14:2–5). Soon thereafter, an army of 3 million men and 300 char... Read More
K.P. Yohannan

Starting from Zero

K.P. YohannanEach one of us would be absolutely terrified if we were asked to walk along the edge of the Grand Canyon during a pitch-dark night without any light. After all, we could fall off the cliff and die. We might be more willing to do it if we had a travel plan and a bright light that would allow us to se... Read More
Robert Murray M'Cheyne

The Cry for Revival

Robert Murray M'CheyneIT IS INTERESTING to notice the time when this prayer was offered. It was a time of mercy. "Lord thou hast been favorable unto thy land". It was a time when God had led many to the knowledge of Christ, and covered many sins. "thou hast forgiven the iniquity of thy people." It was now they began to f... Read More
Alfred Edersheim

Sketches of Jewish Social Life - Part 3

Alfred EdersheimParadise and hell were supposed to be contiguous, only separated--it was said, perhaps allegorically--by an handbreadth. But although we may here find some slight resemblance to the localisation of the history of the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:25,26), only those acquainted with the theological th... Read More
Anne Bradstreet

On the Burning of my House

Anne BradstreetIn silent night when rest I took, For sorrow neer I did not look, I waken'd was with thundring nois And Piteous shreiks of dreadfull voice. That fearfull sound of fire and fire, Let no man know is my Desire. I, starting up, the light did spye, And to my God my heart did cry To strengthen me in my Di... Read More
Charles Alexander

"The Wretched Woman of John Eight"

FOREWORD “THE WRETCHED WOMAN OF JOHN EIGHT” was written by the Rev. C. D. Alexander some years ago when the then newly published New English Bible was in the ascendancy. Since then, the Christian World has been flooded with “newer” and “better” translations of the Bible - the latest being the New In... Read More
Charles Alexander

"Why Christ Wrote On The Ground" Ch. 8:1-20

The time draws near for the great climax of the Lord’s coming into the world. The nearer to Calvary, the more plainly does He declare who He is and the purpose of His manifestation in the world. His course through the great week devoted to the Jewish feast of Tabernacles has been described in chapte... Read More
Theodore Beza

Jesus Christ the Son of God

Theodore BezaThe following article by Theodore Beza was taken from chapter three (sections 16-26) of his book The Christian Faith, translated into english by James Clark (Focus Christian Ministries Trust, East Essex England, 1992). This book was a "best seller" during the Protestant Reformation, and appeared in ... Read More
Principles For The Gathering Of Believers

76 - Chronological Bible Reading of Scriptures

Principles For The Gathering Of BelieversThere is a great need in the body of Christ for consistent reading of the Holy Scriptures in their entirety, book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. In this case we are encouraging a chronological reading of the Scriptures. Most of the confusion is created when certain teachers, groups, or... Read More
Tom Macartney

A tree planted by the water

Tom Macartney“This is what the Lord says: Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and whose confidence is in Him. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, that spreads out its roots by the river. It shall not fear when heat comes, but its leaves shall be evergreen; it shall have no worries in the yea... Read More

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