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Chuck Smith

Ezekiel 34:23

Chuck Smith"THE GOOD SHEPHERD" I. ANALOGIES OF THE SHEPHERD WITH THE FLOCK ARE COMMON IN THE BIBLE. A. David made many allusions to the people as the flock of God. 1. Psalm 23 has become a classic. 2. Psalm 100 another classic: "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord all ye lands....We are His people and the sheep ... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 294

George FoxFriends, the truth is above all, and will stand over all [1 Esd 4:35-41] them that hate it, who labour in vain against it, and will bring their old house on their own heads [Psa 127:1?], to their great trouble; and in the winter, and cold weather, when that their house is down, and their religion is... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 34

George FoxFriends, I do warn you in the presence of the living God, not to speak the things of God out of the fear of God, at random, in a presumptuous mind; for proud boasters are excluded [Rom 3:27, 2 Tim 3:2] out of the kingdom of God, and with the light of Christ condemned, and with the life, that gave fo... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 342

George FoxMy dear friends and brethren,—That faith, which is the gift of God [Eph 2:8], which all the saints lived in, (and by which they pleased God [Heb 11:6], and had victory [1 Jn 5:4], by which they had access to God [Rom 5:2], and by and in which faith they did walk: and all the just, in all ages and ge... Read More
John Gill

Of the Attributes of God in General and of His Immutability in Particular.

John GillA Body of Doctrinal Divinity Book 1—Chapter 5 OF THE ATTRIBUTES OF GOD IN GENERAL, AND OF HIS IMMUTABILITY IN PARTICULAR. The attributes of God are variously distinguished by divines; some distinguish them into negative and positive, or affirmative: the negative are such as remove from him whatever ... Read More
K.P. Yohannan

Purified in His Presence

K.P. YohannanWhy is doing the Lord’s work the Lord’s way so important? If the job is getting done, doesn’t that justify the means? The answer is no. Why is it so critical for us to continually take the time to wait upon Him and hear from Him, drawing close and living in His presence? Because when we do not, we a... Read More
Paris Reidhead

Standing in Slippery Places

Paris ReidheadStanding in Slippery Places By Paris Reidhead* Now will you turn please to Psalm 73, the 73rd Psalm. Our verse, our text is the 18th verse. I think I shall read beginning with the first verse and through the 18th, in order that you can understand something of the setting that we have for our text. T... Read More
Charles Alexander

"The Blind Begger Of John Nine" Ch.9

He was but a blind beggar man, a recipient of passing charity, useless in the world, nameless, pitiful, disinherited. But the Lord of glory passing by knows all about this man - his destiny as well as his origin - the purpose of his creation. Why was he born blind? His own fault? (A strange thought ... Read More
Charles Alexander

"The Shepherd Of Israel" Ch.10:1-10

In the tenth chapter of John with its incomparable parable of the Good Shepherd, we have much more than an idyllic pastoral interlude such as has supplied religious poetry and preaching, not to speak of artistry, with one of the most pleasing of themes. There is a deep stream of prophetic purpose an... Read More
Jonathan Edwards

God Glorified in Man's Dependence

Jonathan EdwardsI COR. 1:29, 30, 31 That no flesh should glory in his presence. But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption: that, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord THOSE Christians to whom the apos... Read More

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