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Thomas Bradbury

Comfort Ye

"Comfort ye, comfort ye My people, saith your God." (Isaiah 40:1) God's message by the prophet Isaiah to His spiritual Israel abounds with gracious consolation and heavenly encouragement. This is seen continuously from the first word of our text to the last word of the prophecy, which we shall have ... Read More
Thomas Bradbury

The Spirit and the Standard

"When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him." (Isaiah 59:19) IN this chapter we have the total depravity, utter incorrigibility, and universal corruption of human nature strikingly set forth. As my eye scanned the chapter this morning befor... Read More
John Piper

Restful Words for Labor Day

John PiperPsalm 23 Here is a version of Psalm 23 you have probably never heard before. (Recite the Psalm in German.) The reason I know the psalm in German is that I recited it to myself hundreds of times riding on my three-speed bicycle between our flat at Preysingstrasse 22 and the Ludwig-Maximillians Univer... Read More
Principles For The Gathering Of Believers

76 - Chronological Bible Reading of Scriptures

Principles For The Gathering Of BelieversThere is a great need in the body of Christ for consistent reading of the Holy Scriptures in their entirety, book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. In this case we are encouraging a chronological reading of the Scriptures. Most of the confusion is created when certain teachers, groups, or... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Destroy (perish, vanish) (853) aphanizo

Destroy (853) (aphanizo from aphanes = hidden or literally "not appearing" from a = without + phaino = to appear) means to cause to vanish, make disappear. To make unseen. To render invisible or unrecognizable. Aphanizo can also mean to destroy in the active voice and in the passive voice to be remo... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Encourage (exhort, comfort, implore) (3870) parakaleo

Implore (3870) (parakaleo from para = side of, alongside, beside + kaleo [ word study] = call) means literally to call one alongside, to call someone to oneself, to call for, to summon. Parakaleo can include the idea of giving help or aid but the primary sense in the NT is to urge someone to take so... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Mourn (3996) pentheo

Mourn (3996) (pentheo from pénthos = mourning) means to mourn for, lament. Pentheo denotes loud mourning such as the lament for the dead or for a severe, painful loss. It is grief and sorrow caused by profound loss, especially death. Mourning can reflect an outward expression of sorrow. It is to exp... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Mourning (3997) penthos

Mourning (3997) (penthos) means grief or sorrow. Our English noun mourning describes an outward sign of grief (such as wearing of black clothing) or a period of time during which such signs of grief are shown. As someone has well said we should mourn over sin as long as we have sin to mourn over! Pe... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Return (1994) epistrepho

Returned (1994) (epistrepho from epí = motion toward + strepho = twist, turn quite around or reverse) means to revert, to turn about, to turn around, to turn toward, to return and figuratively to convert. The idea is a definite turn to God in conduct as well as in one's mind. Study the 39 uses below... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Turn (1994) epistrepho

Returned (1994) (epistrepho from epí = motion toward + strepho = twist, turn quite around or reverse) means to revert, to turn about, to turn around, to turn toward, to return and figuratively to convert. The idea is a definite turn to God in conduct as well as in one's mind. Study the 39 uses below... Read More

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