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A.E. Booth

Does Association with Evil Defile?

In answer to this question, we say, without hesitation, it does. Our witnesses are type, prophecy and New Testament Scriptures. We will give a few examples: First, type. And here we have a large field before us. We will commence with God's people in Egypt, ere they leave that land to journey on to C... Read More
Walter Beuttler

The School of Prayer - Part 3

Walter Beuttler24) “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon” (money). 25) “Therefore I say to you; Take no thought for your life, what you shall eat, or what you shall drink; nor yet f... Read More
Classic Christian Writings

A Rousing Call – To God's Revival Remnant! By W. C. Moore

In this issue we pay tribute to the founders, under God, of Herald of His Coming ministry, W.C. and Sarah Foulkes Moore. It is now 20 years since God took Sister Moore to her abode above, and over 12 years since He took Brother Moore. In their memory, we are reprinting several articles they used in ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Destruction (waste) (684) apoleia

Destruction (684) (apoleia from apo = marker of separation, away from + olethros = ruin, death but not annihilation <> from ollumi = to destroy) means utter and hopeless loss of all that gives worth to existence. Note that contrary to popular opinion apoleia does not refer to extinction or annihilat... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Present (3936) paristemi

Present (3936) (paristemi from para = near, beside + histemi = place, set) literally means to place or set beside or near and hence to place at someone's disposal. Paristemi means to present oneself for service or to put at the service of (sometimes translated "help" Ro 16:2-note) Paristemi is used ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Stand by (3936) paristemi

Present (3936) (paristemi from para = near, beside + histemi = place, set) literally means to place or set beside or near and hence to place at someone's disposal. Paristemi means to present oneself for service or to put at the service of (sometimes translated "help" Ro 16:2-note) Paristemi is used ... Read More
Zac Poonen

Don’t Be Impressed by the Numerical Growth of a Church

Zac PoonenWe must remember that God is not impressed by the numerical growth of a church, if it is not growing spiritually. Paul told the Christians at Corinth that God would humble him through their carnal state (Read 2 Cor.12:20, 21). Why shouldPaul feel humiliated by the carnality of the Corinthians? Becau... Read More
Harry Ironside

Baptism: What Saith The Scripture?

Harry IronsideIntroductory So much has been said and written on this subject, so various and conflicting have been the opinions expressed, so widely divergent are the meanings even, given by scholars to the very word baptism, that one naturally hesitates to write on such a theme. But a verse in the only Book that... Read More
J.G. Bellet


Malachi closes the writings of the minor prophets, as they are called, and with them the volume of the Old Testament. This suggests and warrants a short review of things in the previous story of Israel. From the beginning the Lord had been, in various ways, testing and proving that people, whom He h... Read More
Harry Ironside

Baptism: What Saith the Scripture?

Harry IronsidePREFACE TO SECOND EDITION Several years having elapsed since the first publication of this booklet, and a new edition being called for, I have considerably revised my former paper, though altering nowhere the teaching therein set forth. Further study and experience have only confirmed what was first... Read More

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