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A.W. Pink


A.W. PinkExposition of the Gospel of John CHAPTER 32 CHRIST AND THE BLIND BEGGAR (CONTINUED) John 9:8-23 We begin with our usual Analysis of the passage which is to be before us:— 1. The uncertainty of the neighbors: verses 8, 9. 2. Their questioning of the beggar: verse 10. 3. The beggar’s answers: verses 1... Read More
A.W. Pink

The Fourth Commandment

A.W. PinkTHE TEN COMMANDMENTS THE FOURTH COMMANDMENT "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work; but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God; in it thou shalt not do any work" (Ex. 20:8-10). This commandment denotes that God is the sovereign Lord of... Read More
A.W. Pink

THE LIFE OF FAITH Chapter 6 The Ten Commandments

A.W. PinkTHE LIFE OF FAITH Chapter 6 The Ten Commandments Much confusion prevails today among those who speak of "the law". This is a term which needs to be carefully defined. In the New Testament there are three expressions used which require to be definitely distinguished. First, there is "the law of God" ... Read More
A.W. Pink

The Satisfaction of Christ Studies in the Atonement 16. Its Results-Continued

A.W. PinkThe Satisfaction of Christ Studies in the Atonement 16. Its Results-Continued Numerous and fearful have been the errors into which many have fallen when treating of the results of the perfect Satisfaction which Christ offered unto God on behalf of His people. Reconciliation has, on the one hand, bee... Read More
Erlo Stegen


Erlo StegenText: Mark 2:1-12 God's words and works are wonderful and marvellous. Jesus had moved to Capernaum from His home at Nazareth. When Jesus came to Capernaum, there was a man with an evil spirit. The evil spirit cried out, "you are the holy one of God". At that time the people did not know whom He was ... Read More
John Gill

Of the Distinct Personality, and Deity of the Son.

John GillA Body of Doctrinal Divinity Book 1—Chapter 30 OF THE DISTINCT PERSONALITY, AND DEITY OF THE SON. That the Son of God is a person, and a divine person distinct from the Father and the Spirit, cannot be doubted; for since his Father is a person, and he is the "express image of his person", he must be... Read More
Paris Reidhead

Why Christ Came

Paris ReidheadWhy Christ Came By Paris Reidhead* As we think of the birth of the Lord Jesus, we must consider that He came to die, and to be raised again, and to ascend into Heaven, and come back the second time. And we who rejoice at His birth the first time are the ones that are longing for His return the secon... Read More
Robert Murray M'Cheyne

The Mighty Conqueror

Robert Murray M'CheyneI BELIEVE, DEAR FRIENDS, that this passage describes the great last controversy Christ will have with this world. He has had many a controversy with it, but the last will be the greatest of all; so that it is called 'the supper of the great God' (Revelation 19:17). Now, it is interesting to notice t... Read More
T. Austin-Sparks

Faith In Relation To Life

T. Austin-SparksReading: Romans 4:16-25. We are being led to see the relationship of faith to three things. Firstly, faith in relationship to enlargement. We have taken note that God's thought revealed for His people is enlargement unto His own fulness. "All the fulness of God" is the word which indicates God's tho... Read More
Anton Bosch

One-step, Two-step or Twelve-step?

Anton BoschMost versions of modern christianity have watered the Gospel down to a self-improvement, self-help, twelve-step program. There is little difference between the techniques offered by AA, anger management programs, assertiveness training and other self-help courses and the techniques employed and prom... Read More

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