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A.W. Pink

Exposition of the Gospel of John CHAPTER 34 CHRIST, THE DOOR

A.W. PinkExposition of the Gospel of John CHAPTER 34 CHRIST, THE DOOR John 10:1-10. Below is an Analysis of the passage which is to be before us:— 1. Entrance into the Sheepfold: lawful and unlawful: verses 1, 2. 2. The Shepherd admitted by the porter: verse 3. 3. The Shepherd leading His sheep out of the fo... Read More
A.W. Pink


A.W. PinkPROFITING FROM THE WORD 10. THE SCRIPTURES AND LOVE In earlier chapters we have sought to point out some of the ways by which we may ascertain whether or not our reading and searching of the Scriptures are really being blessed to our souls. Many are deceived on this matter, mistaking an eagerness to... Read More
A.W. Pink


A.W. PinkTHE DOCTRINE OF MAN’S IMPOTENCE Chapter 2 REALITY The spiritual impotence of the natural man is no mere product of theological dyspepsia, nor is it a dismal dogma invented during the Dark Ages. It is a solemn fact affirmed by Holy Writ, manifested throughout human history, confirmed in the conscious... Read More
A.W. Pink

The Fact of the Redeemer's Return

A.W. PinkThe Redeemer’s Return THE FACT OF THE REDEEMER’S RETURN Chapter 3 "I will come again and receive you unto Myself; that where I am there ye may be also" John 14:3 It has been pointed out by another that the New Testament is concerned mainly with the presentation of three great facts: first, that the ... Read More
A.W. Pink

The Gospel of Mark

A.W. PinkWhy Four Gospels? 2. THE GOSPEL OF MARK Mark’s Gospel differs widely from Matthew’s, both in character and scope. The contrasts between them are marked and many. Matthew has twenty-eight chapters, Mark but sixteen. Matthew abounds in parables, Mark records but few. Matthew portrays Christ as the Son... Read More
A.W. Pink


A.W. PinkNoah is the connecting link between "the world that then was," which "being overflowed with water, perished," and the earth which now is "reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men" (2 Pet. 3:6, 7). He lived upon both, was preserved from the awful judgment which swal... Read More
A.W. Pink

The Satisfaction of Christ Studies in the Atonement 8. Its Nature-Concluded

A.W. PinkThe Satisfaction of Christ Studies in the Atonement 8. Its Nature-Concluded We have pointed out in the preceding chapters that the particular aspect of Christ’s Satisfaction which is now before us constitutes the very heart of this mighty subject. As the physical heart is to the human body, so is th... Read More
A.W. Pink


A.W. PinkIn earlier chapters we have sought to point out some of the ways by which we may ascertain whether or not our reading and searching of the Scriptures are really being blessed to our souls. Many are deceived on this matter, mistaking an eagerness to acquire knowledge for a spiritual love of the Truth... Read More
A.W. Pink


A.W. PinkTITHING Part 1 There are few subjects on which the Lord’s own people are more astray than on the subject of giving. They profess to take the Bible as their own rule of faith and practice, and yet in the matter of Christian finance, the vast majority have utterly ignored its plain teachings and have ... Read More
Basilea Schlink

(You Will Never Be The Same) 17 - Hypocrisy

Basilea Schlink"Woe, to you, hypocrites!" This cry resounds seven times in Jesus' address to the scribes and Pharisees. "So you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but within you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity!" (Matt. 23: 28). The same is true of us Christians today. It often happens that others think we ... Read More

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