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Greek Word Studies

Persecute (press on) (1377) dioko

Press on (1377) (dioko from dío = pursue, prosecute, persecute) means to follow or press hard after, literally to pursue as one does a fleeing enemy. It means to chase, harass, vex and pressure and was used for chasing down criminals. Dioko speaks of an intensity of effort leading to a pursue with e... Read More
Horatius Bonar

Darkness Pursuing the Sinner.

Horatius Bonar"Darkness shall pursue his enemies." Nahum 1:8 "But he sweeps away his enemies in an overwhelming flood. He pursues his foes into the darkness of night." Nahum 1:8 It is of Nineveh and Assyria that this prophet utters his fearful burden. That city and its inhabitants were to bear the judgments of Je... Read More
Tom Garner

God's Wrath Not Withheld

WHEN I READ THIS VERSE "The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble, and He knows those who take refuge in Him" (Nahum 1:7), this one verse gives me comfort and hope, for which I am grateful. For you see, the rest of this small book deals with a subject that many in Christianity today would... Read More
William Kelly

The Second Advent Before, not After, the Millennium.

Scripture is not only the mine, but the standard, of truth. Error cannot stand before the inspired word. Not that the believer is competent of himself either to draw out or to apply aright; our sufficiency is from God, Who also made us sufficient, says the apostle, as ministers of a new covenant, no... Read More
David Servant

Day 254, Revelation 16

David ServantThe seven “bowl judgments,” which are God's final judgments upon the earth, will surpass the seal and trumpet judgments in their severity. It is difficult to believe that there will be any believers on the earth then, as the judgments seem to be world-wide. However, as I mentioned in the previous co... Read More
H.J. Vine

The Alphabetical Scriptures; or The Divine Acrostics

H.J. VineContaining testimony to the Divine Design and Inspiration of Scripture and to the Authority, Work, and Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ. Prefatory Note Some time ago one of the beautiful acrostics of the Bible (Prov. 31:10-31) was much spoken of. It is a scripture of great grace and comeliness, and ha... Read More
John MacArthur

Our God-Breathed Bible

John MacArthurAs you know, we're studying 2 Timothy and I would like to draw you back to 2 Timothy chapter 3 as at least a starting point for our message this morning. And what I want to share with you this morning is really just a departure from this text but based on that which this text affirms. You remember l... Read More

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