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Greek Word Studies

Adequate (2425) hikanos

Able (2425) (hikanos from the root hik- = “to reach [with the hand],” “to attain”, `reaching to', `attaining to'; hence, `adequate') refers to that which reaches or arrives at a certain standard and in context refers to men who meet the standard and are fit, qualified and able to "teach" (didasko). ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Almighty (3841) pantokrator

Almighty (3841) (pantokrator from pás = all + kratos = strength or might, especially manifested power, the power to rule or control) is literally the ruler over all or the One Who controls all things and Who has power over everything. The One in total control! Pantokrator thus describes God’s sovere... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Built together (4925) sunoikodomeo

Being built together (4925) (sunoikodomeo from sun = together speaks of intimacy and indissoluble union + oikodomeo [word study] = to build from oikos = dwelling + doma = building > literally the building of a house) means to build or construct of various parts. It is used only figuratively and only... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Burn (1572) ekkaio

Burned (1572) (ekkaio from ek = intensifies meaning of the following verb + kaío = burn, set fire to) literally means to set on fire or to cause to burn or flame up. BDAG writes that ekkaio means "to instigate something destructive, kindle, start" as a schism (Diod. S. 20, 33, 7)" Figuratively as us... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Caught up (carry off, snatch, take away) (726) harpazo

Shall Be Caught up (726) (harpazo from haireô = take, in NT only in middle voice = haireomai = to take for oneself, to choose; akin to airo = to raise up) means to snatch up or way, to seize or seize upon, to steal (see comparison to klepto below), to catch away or up, to pluck, to pull. Harpazo mea... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Enough (2425) hikanos

Able (2425) (hikanos from the root hik- = “to reach [with the hand],” “to attain”, `reaching to', `attaining to'; hence, `adequate') refers to that which reaches or arrives at a certain standard and in context refers to men who meet the standard and are fit, qualified and able to "teach" (didasko). ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Fit (2425) hikanos

Able (2425) (hikanos from the root hik- = “to reach [with the hand],” “to attain”, `reaching to', `attaining to'; hence, `adequate') refers to that which reaches or arrives at a certain standard and in context refers to men who meet the standard and are fit, qualified and able to "teach" (didasko). ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Loins (3751) osphus

Loins (3751) (osphus) (see additional note) or "hip" (as used in classic Greek according to the TDNT) refers literally to the general area of the body between the ribs and the thighs, the midsection between the upper and lower body that includes the hips, the small of the back, the waist, and the re... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Long (2425) hikanos

Able (2425) (hikanos from the root hik- = “to reach [with the hand],” “to attain”, `reaching to', `attaining to'; hence, `adequate') refers to that which reaches or arrives at a certain standard and in context refers to men who meet the standard and are fit, qualified and able to "teach" (didasko). ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Waist (3751) osphus

Loins (3751) (osphus) (see additional note) or "hip" (as used in classic Greek according to the TDNT) refers literally to the general area of the body between the ribs and the thighs, the midsection between the upper and lower body that includes the hips, the small of the back, the waist, and the re... Read More

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