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A.W. Pink

Exposition of the Gospel of John CHAPTER 62 CHRIST BEFORE ANNAS

A.W. PinkExposition of the Gospel of John CHAPTER 62 CHRIST BEFORE ANNAS John 18:12-27 Below is an Analysis of the second section of John 18: — 1. Christ bound and led to Annas, verses 12-14. 2. Peter follows and is admitted to the palace, verses 15, 16. 3. Peter’s first denial of Christ, verses 17, 18. 4. A... Read More
John Gill

Of Spiritual Joy.

John GillA Body of PRACTICAL Divinity Book 1—Chapter 10 OF SPIRITUAL JOY Joy is a fruit of the Spirit, which follows love; "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy" (Gal. 5:22), it attends faith and hope; and as these graces are in exercise, and increase, so does spiritual joy; hence we read of "the joy of fait... Read More
Glenn Meldrum


Glenn MeldrumRevival is a sovereign, supernatural work of the Holy Spirit. It is God breaking into human history and revealing His holiness and glory. When the church is awakened from her spiritual lethargy she begins to see the world anew as her God given mission field. Men, women and children are converted in ... Read More
Principles For The Gathering Of Believers

76 - Chronological Bible Reading of Scriptures

Principles For The Gathering Of BelieversThere is a great need in the body of Christ for consistent reading of the Holy Scriptures in their entirety, book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. In this case we are encouraging a chronological reading of the Scriptures. Most of the confusion is created when certain teachers, groups, or... Read More
Richard Owen Roberts

Solemn Assembly

THE SOLEMN ASSEMBLY The Sad Fact Most professing Christians have never heard of a Solemn Assembly. Of the relatively small number who have, a substantial portion consider it as merely an Old Testament practice of no particular relevance today. --------------------------------------------------------... Read More
David Wilkerson

A Revival of Holiness

David WilkersonGod is never caught off guard by anything that happens in our world. He isn’t surprised by the awful drug plague or the blood-bath of abortion. So what is his response in times of turmoil and depravity? What does he propose as an antidote to apostasy and growing demonic power? God’s answer is the sa... Read More
F.B. Meyer

Our Daily Homily - Nehemiah

F.B. MeyerI was the king's cupbearer. Nehemiah 1:11 THE post was an important one. It gave its occupant the opportunity of coming into close contact with the king; it implied a character of unusual trustworthiness, since Oriental despots were very afraid of poison. But no one expected a royal cupbearer to do ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Appoint (put in charge, made) (2525) kathistemi

Appoint (2525) (kathistemi from katá = down + hístēmi = to set or stand) means literally “to stand or set down". Most of the NT uses of kathistemi are figurative and refer to "setting someone down in office" or appointing or assigning a person to a position of authority. To put in charge or to appoi... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Beginning (746) arche

you? Try naming as many as you can. Whether it is to a parent, an employer, or the officer who directs traffic on the corner, everyone has somebody to whom they are expected to submit. To whom do you find it most difficult to submit and why? Remember that, like King Henry, Christians also “learn to ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Celebrate (rejoice, be merry, glad) (2165) euphraino

Rejoice (2165) (euphraino from eu = well, good + phren = mind, intellect, disposition) means in active sense to make someone glad, to cheer someone up, to make them joyful in mind, to cause them to be glad (2Cor 2:2, Lxx = Ps 19:8, Pr 23:15). In the middle voice or passive voice euphraino means to b... Read More

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