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John Gill

Of Public Prayer.

John GillA Body of PRACTICAL Divinity Book 3—Chapter 5 OF PUBLIC PRAYER Prayer is one part of the saints’ spiritual armour, and a principal one, though mentioned last (Eph. 6:18), it has been often of use against temporal enemies, and for obtaining victory over them; as the prayers of Asa, Jehoshaphat, and o... Read More
Sir Robert Anderson

The Angel' s Message

Sir Robert Anderson"Seventy weeks are decreed upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most holy.[1] Know therefore and discern, ... Read More
Anne Ortlund

Fix your eyes on Jesus for continual fellowship with Him

The first night I was a pastor's wife I practically didn't go to bed. Ray and the three babies and I had moved from Princeton Seminary in New Jersey to our first pastorate in Christiana, Pennsylvania, a town with eleven hundred souls counting absolutely everybody. You know how moving is. The childre... Read More
Principles For The Gathering Of Believers

76 - Chronological Bible Reading of Scriptures

Principles For The Gathering Of BelieversThere is a great need in the body of Christ for consistent reading of the Holy Scriptures in their entirety, book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. In this case we are encouraging a chronological reading of the Scriptures. Most of the confusion is created when certain teachers, groups, or... Read More
Richard Owen Roberts

Solemn Assembly

THE SOLEMN ASSEMBLY The Sad Fact Most professing Christians have never heard of a Solemn Assembly. Of the relatively small number who have, a substantial portion consider it as merely an Old Testament practice of no particular relevance today. --------------------------------------------------------... Read More
Zac Poonen

(The Final Triumph) 11. Chapter 11

Zac PoonenThe book of Revelation is NOT written in chronological sequence. We are given a bird's eye-view of the future in chapter 6, and then the details are filled out gradually. What we see in the first part of chapter 11 actually takes place in the last 3½ years before Christ returns. Verse 1: And there w... Read More
Denis Lyle

Is God through with the Jew?

IS GOD THROUGH WITH THE JEW Daniel 9:20-27 Some things are very hard to understand. Take the handwriting of a doctor for instance. I heard about a patient who went to a doctor for a check-up and was a given a prescription. The patient put it in his pocket and never went to the chemist to get the med... Read More
Harry Ironside

Not Wrath But Rapture

Harry IronsideWhat Is Meant by the Term "The Great Tribulation"? The careful student of the prophetic scriptures cannot fail to observe that in both the Old and New Testaments the Spirit of God speaks of a trial involving the pouring out of divine wrath on men. This is known as "the great tribulation," "the time ... Read More
Peter Hammond


Peter Hammond"...who knows whether you have come to the Kingdom for such a time as this?" Esther 4:14 The book of Esther is a dramatic and romantic historical novel. The powerful drama portrayed in Esther includes: intrigue, suspense, love, hatred, pride, conceit, malice, conspiracy, revenge, murder, duty, honou... Read More
Robert Anderson

Forgotten Truths Appendix 1: The Eras of Servitude

Robert AndersonNOTE CHAPTER 3 THE Divine judgment of the 70 years' Servitude to Babylon fell in 606 B.C., which was the third year of King Jehoiakim, and the year before the accession of Nebuchadnezzar. The Jews refused to bow to the Divine judgment thus inflicted upon them, and in the ninth year of the Servitude ... Read More

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