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A.W. Pink


A.W. Pink“Then said Jesus unto His disciples, if any man will”—the word “will” here means “desire to” just as in that verse, “If any will live godly.” It signifies “determine to.” “If any man will or desires to come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross (not a cross, but his cross) and follow ... Read More
A.W. Pink

Exposition of the Gospel of John CHAPTER 3 CHRIST, THE WORD INCARNATE

A.W. PinkExposition of the Gospel of John CHAPTER 3 CHRIST, THE WORD INCARNATE John 1:14-18 We first submit a brief Analysis of the passage which is to be before us—John 1:14-18. We have here:— 1. Christ’s Incarnation—"The word became flesh": John 1:14. 2. Christ’s Earthly sojourn—"And tabernacled among us:"... Read More
A.W. Pink

Exposition of the Gospel of John CHAPTER 57 CHRIST INTERCEDING

A.W. PinkExposition of the Gospel of John CHAPTER 57 CHRIST INTERCEDING John 17:1-5 The following is an Analysis of the first section of John 17: 1. The Son praying, verse 1. 2. His desire for the Father’s glory, verse 1. 3. His own glory subsidiary, verse 1. 4. The consequences of His glorification, verse 2... Read More
A.W. Pink

Exposition of the Gospel of John CHAPTER 60 CHRIST INTERCEDING (CONCLUDED)

A.W. PinkExposition of the Gospel of John CHAPTER 60 CHRIST INTERCEDING (CONCLUDED) John 17:20-26 The following is an Analysis of the dosing section of John 17:— 1. Christ’s heart embracing all the redeemed, verse 20. 2. Christ’s prayer for their unity, verse 21. 3. Christ’s imparting to them His glory, vers... Read More
A.W. Pink

Personal Holiness

A.W. PinkBy our fall in Adam we not only lost the favor of God but also the purity of our nature and therefore we need to be both reconciled to God and renewed in our inner man, for without personal holiness "no man shall see the Lord" (Heb. 12:14). "As He which hath called you is holy; so be ye holy in all ... Read More
A.W. Pink

Prayer - Hebrews 13:20, 21, Part 2

A.W. Pink"Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant." We must now carefully consider the particular act of God toward our Savior that the Apostle Paul here uses as his plea for the petition that follo... Read More
A.W. Pink

The Cross and Self

A.W. PinkEre developing the theme of this verse let us comment on its terms. “If any”: the duty enjoined is for all who would join Christ’s followers and enlist under His banner. “If any will”: the Greek is very emphatic, signifying not only the consent of the will, but full purpose of heart, a determined re... Read More
A.W. Pink

The Word of Suffering

A.W. PinkThe Seven Sayings of the Saviour on the Cross 5. THE WORD OF SUFFERING "Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, saith, I thirst" John 19:28 "I THIRST." These words were spoken by the suffering Saviour a little before he bowed his head and gave up t... Read More
Andrew Murray

Obedience; The Victorious Life

Andrew MurrayIn opposition to sin stands obedience. 'For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous... Ye became the servants of righteousness' (Rom. 5.19; 6.18). In connection with all that has been said about sin, and the new life, and the recep... Read More
Andrew Murray

The Christlike Life

Andrew Murray“Your attitude should be the same that Chris Jesus had.” Philippians 2:5 What was the attitude that was in Christ Jesus? “Though He was God, He did not demand and cling to His rights as God. He made Himself nothing; He took the humble position of a slave and appeared in human form. And in human form... Read More

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