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Basilea Schlink

(You Will Never Be The Same) 33 - RIDICULE: SCOFFING

Basilea SchlinkHow quickly we try to dispose of scoffing and ridicule as something funny and harmless. Yet we have to admit that ridicule is a sin, although this sin, in contrast to many others, even has a good appearance sometimes. At parties and other get-togethers ridicule can create a "humerous" atmosphere; it... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 360

George FoxAll the faithful men and women are to be as Abraham and Sarah; Abraham, the father of the faithful; and Sarah, a mother in Israel [Judg 5:7/2 Sam 20:19], to give suck, and to nourish up the seed, the heir of the promise [Gal 3:29]. Likewise, to be as Adam and Eve, before they fell, meet-helps [Gen 2... Read More
Principles For The Gathering Of Believers

76 - Chronological Bible Reading of Scriptures

Principles For The Gathering Of BelieversThere is a great need in the body of Christ for consistent reading of the Holy Scriptures in their entirety, book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. In this case we are encouraging a chronological reading of the Scriptures. Most of the confusion is created when certain teachers, groups, or... Read More
Richard Owen Roberts

Twelve Articles of Explicit Agreement

By the mercy of God I have been a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ since my early youth. Over the years of my earthly pilgrimage I have known what it is like to climb great spiritual mountains and how it feels to fall into chasms of blackness. I have had long seasons of great Christian joy and inte... Read More
Classic Christian Writings

Raising Holy Children By Kim Butts

When we think of those we know who live holy lives, we generally don’t think of children. Perhaps it is because we have generally accepted the passage from Proverbs 22:15, which states: “Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far from him.” We naturally as... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Affliction (2347) thlipsis

Tribulation (2347) (thlipsis from thlibo = to crush, press together, squash, hem in, compress, squeeze in turn derived from thláo = to break) originally expressed sheer, physical pressure on a man. Thlipsis is a strong term which does not refer to minor inconveniences, but to real hardships. Medical... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Tribulation (2347) thlipsis

Tribulation (2347) (thlipsis from thlibo = to crush, press together, squash, hem in, compress, squeeze in turn derived from thláo = to break) originally expressed sheer, physical pressure on a man. Thlipsis is a strong term which does not refer to minor inconveniences, but to real hardships. Medical... Read More
Theodore Epp

A Matter of Life and Death!

Theodore EppJames 3:1-6 Consider four parallels that a fire has with words spoken by the tongue: It hurts, it spreads, it consumes, but it can have a good use under control. It only takes one false or bitter word to hurt deeply. In fact, the hurt may be so deep that recovery is impossible. Just as fire spreads,... Read More
Gawin Kirkham


THE SEARCHING QUESTION "Where art thou?" -Gen. 3. 9. [This sermon outline was taken from the book, "The Open-Air Preacher's Handbook" written by Gawin Kirkham. Brother Kirkham was the Secretary of the Open-Air Mission of London, England. The book was published in 1890, but has a timeless message for... Read More
Bible Verses On

Bible Verses On Anger

Psalms 37:8 - Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil. Proverbs 14:29 - [He that is] slow to wrath [is] of great understanding: but [he that is] hasty of spirit exalteth folly. James 1:20 - For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. Galatians 5:12... Read More

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