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Ingimar De Ridder


A Lesson from James to the Churches Watch out when tongues get loose. They can do a lot of damage. Nothing saddens the heart more than to hear of local churches divided, broken and destroyed by the Devil. It is especially sad when good churches are needed to be winning souls for Christ. The Devil ha... Read More
Precept Austin Commentary

Jude 1:16

Precept Austin CommentaryJude 1:16 These are grumblers, finding fault, following after their own lusts; they speak arrogantly, flattering people for the sake of gaining an advantage.: Zeoutoi eisin (3PPAI) goggustai mempsimoiroi kata tas epithumias heauton poreuomenoi (PMPMPN) kai to stoma auton lalei (3SPAI) huperogka thau... Read More
J.C. Philpot

New Years' Address, January 1857

J.C. PhilpotNew Years' Address, January 1857 by J. C. Philpot, editor of the Gospel Standard Magazine In venturing once more, at the opening of another year, to greet our readers with our Annual Address, we desire to come before them under the gracious teachings and influences of the blessed Spirit– that holy I... Read More
Principles For The Gathering Of Believers

76 - Chronological Bible Reading of Scriptures

Principles For The Gathering Of BelieversThere is a great need in the body of Christ for consistent reading of the Holy Scriptures in their entirety, book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. In this case we are encouraging a chronological reading of the Scriptures. Most of the confusion is created when certain teachers, groups, or... Read More
Richard Owen Roberts

Twelve Articles of Explicit Agreement

By the mercy of God I have been a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ since my early youth. Over the years of my earthly pilgrimage I have known what it is like to climb great spiritual mountains and how it feels to fall into chasms of blackness. I have had long seasons of great Christian joy and inte... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Bowels (476) splagchnon

Affection (4698) (splagchnon or splanchna) originally referred to the upper abdominal viscera especially the intestines, which the ancients regarded as the seat of affections and emotions, such as anger and love. This word is always in the plural in the NT. The phrase "I feel it in the pit of my sto... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Disputes (3163) mache

Disputes (3163) (mache from machomai = to fight - this word is used for physical combat, especially military) when used literally refers to physical combat or a contest fought with weapons = battle, conflict, fight. The idea is a serious clash or conflict, and can be either physical or non-physical.... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Gossips (5588) psithuristes

Gossips (whisperers, secret slanderers) (5588) (psithuristes) is found only here in the NT and describes an evil tongue which secretly conveys information, whether true or false and which is detrimental to the character or welfare of others. This is the man or woman who pours their poison against th... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Heart (476) splagchnon

Affection (4698) (splagchnon or splanchna) originally referred to the upper abdominal viscera especially the intestines, which the ancients regarded as the seat of affections and emotions, such as anger and love. This word is always in the plural in the NT. The phrase "I feel it in the pit of my sto... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Impart (share, give) (3330) metadidomi

Impart (3330) (metadidomi from metá = with, denoting association + dídomi = to give) means to share with someone else what one has, and has the nuances of to impart, to communicate, to give a share or part of. It means refers to transferring something to another. It is the giving of something by whi... Read More

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