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A.W. Pink

The Consummation of the Redeemer's Return

A.W. PinkThe Redeemer’s Return THE CONSUMMATION OF THE REDEEMER’S RETURN OR THE MILLENNIAL REIGN Chapter 10 "And the Lord shall be King over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord, and His name one." Zech. 14:9 It should now be evident to every unprejudiced reader that there are two distinct stag... Read More
John Chrysostom

Colossians 3:16, 17

John ChrysostomLet the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to God. And whatsoever you do in word or in deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through ... Read More
John Gifford Bellett

The Confederacies of Men and the Judgments of God

Scripture contemplates hostile associations of men and of nations. Isaiah 7, 8, was the era of one, and the prophecy of another. Joel 3 tells of "multitudes, multitudes," gathered together in the day of Jerusalem's final sorrow. Psalm 83 anticipates a confederacy against the Israel of God; and "Gog"... Read More
John Nelson Darby

Synopsis of the Books of the Bible - Numbers

John Nelson DarbyThe Book of Leviticus contains the revelation of God sitting upon the throne, where He places Himself that He may be approached by the people, as far as they could come; that of the priesthood brought into proximity to the throne, as far as men could have access to it; and then the promulgation of t... Read More
St. Augustine

Exposition on Psalm 102

St. Augustine1. Behold, one poor man prays, and prays not in silence. We may therefore hear him, and see who he is: whether it be not perchance He, of whom the Apostle says, Though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might be rich. 2 Corinthians 8:9 If it is He, then, how... Read More
Walter Beuttler

Songs in the Night

Walter BeuttlerThese “Songs in the Night” relate to the Lord visiting us during the night season, which He has made especially real to me. We hear little about this, but the Lord’s people need light concerning the possibility of His visiting them during the night. The Lord delights in visiting us during the night,... Read More
Athanasian Grail Psalter

Book IV

Psalm 90(89) Domine, refugium 1 O Lord, you have been our refuge from one generation to the next. 2 Before the mountains were born or the earth or the world brought forth, you are God, without beginning or end. 3 You turn men back to dust and say: "Go back, sons of men." 4 To your eyes a thousand ye... Read More
Liturgical Texts of Greek Orthodox Church

Great Compline - Part 1

The Great Compline is chanted on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evening of the Great Lent in the following order: Priest: Blessed is our God always, now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen. Glory to you, O God, our hope, glory to you. O heavenly King, the Comforter, the Spirit of truth, ... Read More
Art Katz

Beyond Categories

Art Katz"Art Katz encouraged the duplicating of his audio messages, and there are no copyright claims for those who desire to share them with others. However, Art’s books and writings (including articles on this website) do still carry a copyright, and permission needs to be sought if quoting from those is ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Deceit (1388) dolos

Deceit (1388) (dolos which is derived from dello meaning to bait) literally refers to a fishhook, trap, or trick all of which are various forms of deception. Dolos is a deliberate attempt to mislead, trick, snare or "bait" (baiting the trap in attempt to "catch" the unwary victim) other people by te... Read More

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