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Thomas Brooks

Mute Christian under the Smarting Rod - Part 1

Thomas Brooks"Mute Christian under the Smarting Rod" or, "The Silent Soul with Sovereign Antidotes" by Thomas Brooks, 1659, London. "I was silent; I would not open my mouth, for You are the one who has done this!" Psalm 39:9 (A Christian with an Olive Leaf in his mouth, when he is under the greatest afflictions,... Read More
Classic Devotionals

Thomas Merton

Excerpts from 'Devotional Classics' edited by Richard Foster and James Bryan Smith Thomas Merton (1915-1968) Introduction to the Author Born is Prades, France, Thomas Merton had a trying and painful childhood. His mother dies when he was 6 and his father after moving numerous times dies when Thomas ... Read More
John Follette

The Stroke of God

John FolletteStruck Dumb Struck dumb by God! how cruel seem the words And yet thrice blest the heart where falls the blow for life transformed is his who suffers thus, For it is given only such to know The rapture of the mighty wings of faith Which elevate the soul to realms above, Where pain is sweet and wounds... Read More
St. Augustine

Exposition on Psalm 40

St. Augustine1. Of all those things which our Lord Jesus Christ has foretold, we know part to have been already accomplished, part we hope will be accomplished hereafter. All of them, however, will be fulfilled, because He is the Truth who speaks them, and requires of us to be as faithful, as He Himself speaks t... Read More
Athanasian Grail Psalter

Book I

Psalm 1(1) Beatus vir qui non abiit 1 Happy indeed is the man who follows not the counsel of the wicked, nor lingers in the way of sinners nor sits in the company of scorners, 2 but whose delight is the law of the Lord and who ponders his law day and night. 3 He is like a tree that is planted beside... Read More
George Mueller

Trusting God for Every Need: Chapter 11

George MuellerSeptember 16, 1838. Lord's day afternoon. We met again to pray for supplies for the orphans. We are at peace, and our hope is in God. He will help us although only one shilling has come in since last evening. September 17. The trial continues. It is now more trying to our faith each day, but I am su... Read More
J.C. Philpot

Trying the Spirits

J.C. PhilpotPreached at Gower Street Chapel, London, on June 18, 1865, by J. C. Philpot "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God." 1 John 4:1 Has it never struck you as a remarkable circumstance that in what are called primitive times, no, in the very days of the apostles ... Read More
St. Benedict of Nursia

Let the Abbess always bear in mind

St. Benedict of NursiaLet the Abbess always bear in mind that at the dread Judgment of God there will be an examination of these two matters: her teaching and the obedience of her disciples. And let the Abbess be sure that any lack of profit the master of the house may find in the sheep will be laid to the blame of the s... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Abstain (depart, desert, fall or draw away, withdraw) (868) aphistemi

Abstain (868) (aphistemi from apo = separation of one thing from another + histemi = stand and is the root of our English = apostasy) literally means to stand off from means to withdraw, to stand off, to forsake, to depart from or to remove oneself from. To apostatize or to fall away from. To withdr... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Church (1577) ekklesia

Church (1577)(ekklesia from ek = out + klesis = a calling, verb = kaleo = to call) literally means called out (but see note by Louw-Nida below) and as commonly used in the Greco-Roman vernacular referred to citizens who were called out from their homes to be publicly assembled or gathered to discuss... Read More

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