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A.W. Pink

Prayer - Hebrews 13:20, 21, Part 2

A.W. Pink"Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant." We must now carefully consider the particular act of God toward our Savior that the Apostle Paul here uses as his plea for the petition that follo... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 148

George FoxO my dear friends and brethren every where! let all your cries and prayers be to the Lord in singleness of heart, in his spirit and <140> power, and in belief in God through Christ, to receive what ye pray for. For the Lord's ears are open to the cries of his poor and afflicted ones. So, day and nig... Read More
J.C. Ryle

Christ’s Greatest Trophy

J.C. RyleChrist’s Greatest Trophy One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: "Aren't you the Christ? Save yourself and us!" But the other criminal rebuked him. "Don't you fear God," he said, "since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds dese... Read More
John Gill

Of Singing Psalms.

John GillA Body of PRACTICAL Divinity Book 3—Chapter 7 OF SINGING PSALMS, AS A PART OF PUBLIC WORSHIP Next to prayer may be considered, singing the praises of God, as a religious duty: this may be done in a private manner, by a person singly and alone (James 5:13), and between two or more; so Paul and Silos ... Read More
Chip Brogden

The Priests of the Lord - 1

Chip BrogdenWhat does it mean to be the Lord's minister? What is ministry? According to the popular definition of ministry I have actually been "in the ministry" for many years. I have always been in a state of either preparing for the ministry or performing ministry as I understood it. Of course, that means I ... Read More
John Nelson Darby

Reading on the Fifth Book of Psalms Psalms 107-150

John Nelson DarbyThis is a kind of supplementary book which unfolds to us the ways and dealings of God when Israel is brought back. It begins by recounting the vicissitudes of their return, and their being sunk down again, after having got into the land; but coupled with this, there is the testimony that God's mercy... Read More
St. Antony

Letter of Antony III

St. AntonyThe rational man who has prepared himself to be set free through the advent of Jesus, knows himself in his intellectual substance. For he who knows himself knows the dispensations of the Creator and all that He does among His creatures. Dearly beloved in the Lord, our members and joint-heirs with th... Read More
St. Augustine

Exposition on Psalm 89

St. Augustine1. Understand, beloved, this Psalm, which I am about to explain, by the grace of God, of our hope in the Lord Jesus Christ, and be of good cheer, because He who promised, will fulfil all, as He has fulfilled much: for it is not our own merit, but His mercy, that gives us confidence in Him. He Himsel... Read More
Thomas Bradbury

I Am the Resurrection and the Life

"I am the Resurrection and the Life." (John 11:25) IN a variety of titles our blessed Lord and Saviour is pleased to reveal Himself in the written Word, and by the grace of His own Spirit, to the hearts of those who are eternally loved by Him, everlastingly saved by Him, perfectly washed by Him from... Read More
Athanasian Grail Psalter

Book III

Psalm 73(72) Quam bonus Israel! 1 How good God is to Israel, to those who are pure of heart. 2 Yet my feet came close to stumbling, my steps had almost slipped 3 for I was filled with envy of the proud when I saw how the wicked prosper. 4 For them there are no pains; their bodies are sound and sleek... Read More

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