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Anton Bosch

Ruth the Moabitess

Anton BoschThe history of the Moabites is filled with immorality, seduction, lust and incest. The nation was born out of the incestuous relationship between Lot’s oldest daughter and himself after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19). Lot’s descendants would not be known by his name, but as the M... Read More
J.C. Philpot

The Only Safe Protection, and the Only Sure Refuge

J.C. PhilpotPreached at Eden St. Chapel, London, on Wednesday Evening, August 21, 1844, by J. C. Philpot "Keep me as the apple of the eye—hide me under the shadow of your wings." Psalm 17:8 The Scriptures were revealed for the instruction and consolation of the church of God in all time; and therefore, there ca... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Grace (favor) (5485) charis

Grace (5485) (charis from from chairo = to rejoice. English = charity. Beggars need "charity" even as sinners need grace, for we are all spiritual paupers outside of Christ, but "God gives where he finds empty hands"-Augustine [cp Mt 5:3-note]) is a word which defies a simple definition but at its c... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Might (2479) ischus

Might (2479) (ischus) (see note by Wayne Barber ischus) refers to “power as an enduement.” Ischus is the inherent ability which stresses the factuality of the ability, not necessarily the accomplishment. Ischus is inherent power or force. A muscular man’s big muscles display his might, even if he do... Read More
J.C. Philpot

The Only Safe Protection, And The Only Sure Refuge

J.C. PhilpotThe Only Safe Protection, and the Only Sure Refuge Preached at Eden St. Chapel, London, on Wednesday Evening, August 21, 1844, by J. C. Philpot "Keep me as the apple of the eye—hide me under the shadow of your wings." Psalm 17:8 The Scriptures were revealed for the instruction and consolation of the... Read More

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