By Rev. M.K.Sridhar sharma, pastor, M. A.,B.D.The Lone Star Telugu Baptist Church, 3rd service, Subedarpeta Nellore, A. P.
Mobile number 9848963363,9441302363.
Pastor was a brahmin, accepted Jesus as his personal savior in 1998, and was called to full time ministry. He left everything and followed Jesus. He was borned in a brahmin family in Telangana state, he has four brothers and sister. From his childhood performed all poojas, learned slokas. He completed his studies and in 1993 he was adopted to his father-in-law home and got married with Yadamma. From then the idol worship responsibility over four villages had given and with that 30 acres of land also inherited. From then he was working as a priest, learning all slokas and performing his duty. As he was performing everyday he was thinking that does this idol save me? He himself had a question? He didn't get any peace in his mind. He was searching for the truth, he blessed by son in 1994. He had pilgrimage throughout the India in order to get peace but could not get. One day he had decided to commit suicide because no peace in his life. God had rescued him death. One day an evangelist came to him who spoke and gave the Gospel and told about Jesus and his sacrifice. An evangelist had given him a new testament Bible. He started to read the Bible thoroughly and God was speaking to him through the living word. God has spoken to him through Acts 4:12 There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among mortals by which we must be saved. When he read this he came to know that Jesus alone can save, when he read Romans 3:23 Since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God; when he read this verse he realized that he is sinner. And Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. When he read this scripture he frightened and ran to the evangelist and asked him the meaning of the verse. Evangelist said that God is speaking to you if you confess your sins he is ready to forgive sins. When he got assurance that eternal life is an inheritance. He was very glad and confessed his sins before Jesus and accepted Jesus as his personal saviour. When he confessed his sins he had an unexpressed joy and ultimately left idol worship through I John 5:21 Little children, keep yourselves from idols. He left wife and child son was 5 years old and conceived by the time he was leaving the house. Before leaving the house had struggled and humiliated by in-laws. He went to learn the word of God to MBBI Mennonite brethren Bible Institute in shamshabad on July 05 1999. He felt very happy that he is going to learn the word of God. He learned the word of God day and night one year and asked the Lord to save his wife also. Many had prayed for his wife's salvation. Next year when he went to home he shared about idols Psalms 115:4-8, which can't speak, smell and walk and talk and the book of Isaiah 44,45 chapters tells about the idol that are made by human. She left everything through the MK 10:28-30 gospel sake should leave everything. They both left 30 acres of land, house and everything. He had studied 3 years of Certificate in theology and she had studied 2 years and during the theological studies they faced lot of problems their daughter had tuberculosis which was dreadful disease when she was 18 months old. But God had healed her completely. After that they worked in a village for four years and God had established two churches through their Ministry. After that he was called for higher theology in shamshabad. From 2006-2010 he had successfully completed his Bachelor of Divinity in English medium and his wife also did Diploma in Christian studies for 2 years. Later they served with Mennonite church in Devarakonda , Telangana state for seven years 2010-2017. Later God had guided them to Nellore, A. P. From 2017 December to till today they are working for The Lone star Telugu Baptist Church, 3rd service. They are blessed with son and daughter. Their desire is that all their relatives should know that the Lord Jesus Christ can save them from their sins. God has changed his life, he is ready to change your life too.