1. A Gospel that Goes (Romans 10:5-17)
2. A faith that is near (V. 5-8)
3. A faith that saves (V. 9-13)
4. A faith that comes from hearing (V. 14-17)

1. An Interview with Missionaries Nathan and Becky Fagerlie
2. Why did you go to Indonesia?
3. What does your daily routine look like? How do you go about raising a family in a foreign country?
4. Tell me about the ministry itself. What is your mission in Papua?
5. How does flying a plan advance the gospel?
6. How are Indonesians responding to the gospel and mission work?
7. What affect has obeying the missionary call had on your children? 8. As young as they are, what are some things you are noticing in them?
9. How has the virus affected mission work in Papua?
10. Why do you want to go back under the current circumstances?