Report your Gospel Interactions for the Who's Your One Display at

I. How do I Get Saved (V. 3-6)?
A. Repent and believe the gospel (Mark 1:14-15).

B. Faith without Repentance (1 Samuel 3:19-4:4)
1. _________ other gods.
2. Direct your heart to _______________.
3. Be devoted to ____________________.

C. Faith with Repentance (1 Samuel 7:3-4)
1. _______ __________ other gods.
2. Direct your heart to ____ _________.
3. Be devoted to _____ __________.

II. What Happens When I Get Saved (V. 7-9)?
A. ___________ yourself.

B. There are few phases of life scarier than the early stages of repentance.

III. What Happens After I Get Saved (V. 10-17)?
A. Watch your greatest weaknesses and past defeats become ____________________ of God’s glory.