One of the great privileges of the Christian life is our participation in the Lord’s Supper or communion. It is where we, as a body of believers, observe and remember the death of Jesus on the cross. Jesus gave us this in order that we would never forget the sacrifice He made for us.
Communion is an important part of our walk with Christ. It should never be done in such a way that it loses is significance in our hearts. It should not be seen as just a part of our church service. It should be done, every time, as a memorial of the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross.
Communion is reserved for believers in Christ. There is no saving power in it. We are not saved because we eat the bread and drink of the cup. We do so because we are saved. There is a unifying effect on those who come together in love and remember what Christ did for us on the cross. Without the death of Jesus, there would be no resurrection and we would be dead in sin (Bible Expositor and Illuminator Union Gospel Press, Spring Quarter 2022).