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The #Bible says in 1st Corinthians 14:40 to do all things in decent order. What is that to you in practical terms?

1 Corinthians 14 40 But all things must be done properly and in an orderly manner.


1. Of evil feelings. Satan suggests evil thoughts, bitter sentiments.

You are not the most important person in your world.
Honoring God
Spouse / Children
Would you say the same things to them as you do your friends?
Friends and acquaintances


2. Of unseemly passions. Passions of EXTREME must be checked; passions of anger and rage be kept in hand.

3. Of self-esteem. Proper self-esteem is valuable, but it may degenerate into pride, harshness, haughtiness, and a cruel, overbearing disposition. The various forms of egotism are numerous, and are neither lovely nor of good report.

4. Of actions. Many act from impulse, and so bring upon themselves untold misery which can never be rectified.

Conclusion: These things are part of honoring Christ. We find them all brought before us in the example of Christ, and in the daily acts of His life. If we neglect to carry them out, we are not acting up to our profession, neither are we making the world better for our being in it. "Whatsoever things are honest, just, lovely, of good report, think on these things."