Wednesday Night Bible Study, April 22, 2020 - Paul's Exhortation To A Faithful Church - Part 2
April 22, 2020 Midweek Bible Lesson, The Coming Of the Lord, A Warning from Paul to the Church,

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4 : 1- 18
Topic: Paul's Exhortation To A Faithful Church - Part 2

Brief Summary:
We have learned so far: In 1 Thessalonians Chapters 1 & 2, they are the Commendation to a faithful church. Then in chapters 3 & 4, they are the Exhortation to a faithful church. In 1 Thessalonians 3:10 Paul began to tell the church, which brought him so much joy, that while they are strong in faith, hope, and love, there is still lack in their walk with Christ. He is telling them that there is still room to grow, to mature and to excel!

This should resonate with Christians today. While we are strong in faith, love, and hope, there are areas that are still lacking as we walk with Christ. While here on earth we will never receive glorification until we go to heaven. But while we are on this pilgrim journey we can grow in sanctification. That's why it is important to examine yourself, to look in the mirror (which is the bible) and pray for cleansing and purification everyday.

Points to remember:
1. The will of God for your sanctification - to be set apart from the world and set apart from sexual immorality
2. How to honor your vessel - beat your body into submission so that it will not become a hindrance in servicing the Lord.
3. Taught by God to love - 1 John 4:8
4. Living a quiet life - do not be a trouble maker and mind your own business, basically stay in your lane.
5. Comfort one another - provide encouragement and assurance that one day believers will be reunited with their loved ones in heaven.

Church motto: "With all lowliness, and gentleness, with long suffering, bearing with one another in love" Ephesians 4:2 True Vine, The Church of Love

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Music by: Chris Zabriskie "Prelude_No_2" from YouTube Audio Library