Would you be able to guess the TOP 10 MOST POPULAR BIBLE VERSES? I am walking through the top 10 with a short teaching to bless you.

Bible Gateway, "the most visited Christian website," has produced a top 100 most searched Bible verses for 2015. I've taken the top ten most and produced a brief, empowering teaching for each. I am uploading at the moment, so keep checking back to watch them all and be blessed.

I'll provide links as I upload them.

#1 John 3:16
#2 Jeremiah 29:11
#3 Romans 8:28
#4 Philippians 4:13
#5 Genesis 1:1
#6 Proverbs 3:5-6
#7 Romans 12:1-2
#8 Matthew 28:19-20
#9 Ephesians 2:8-9
#10 John 10:10

Here's the link to the article from Bible Gateway. https://www.biblegateway.com/year-in-review/2015/