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The Arminian Bible Commentary
Quest For Truth (Arminian Systematic Theology)
Understanding Assurance & Salvation
Classical Arminianism

There is a biblical truth that many Christians and church goers do not want to hear. It's the truth that a genuine born again believer can lose their salvation and be cut off from Christ. This truth scares people and causes them to object and say "how can I have assurance of salvation"? The truth is, we can have assurance only if we continue to trust in Christ and what he did for us on the cross. If you cease trusting in Christ then it is all over for you my friend. Some will say that they are sealed with the Holy Spirit. But seals can be removed. Some will say that he who began a good work in you will finish it. But that's not a promise for you my friend that was simply Paul's personal belief regarding the Philippian believers. Furthermore, in context Paul was not speaking of their salvation, he was speaking of their partnership in the gospel when they sent him a monetary gift. They say that they went out from us because they were not of us. But in context that is speaking about antichrists. We need to look at scripture in context and we need to see the truth for what it is instead of forcing it into our own favorite doctrines.