Good Morning. Welcome everyone to Church Online.
As we each endure the uncertainty of lockdown, it is good to connect together for our 10:00am livestream from FFAC.
Today we are opening up 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12.

While we wish we could be meeting together in person, we hope that you will be encouraged by all that is ahead of us this morning.
Remember to say 'hi' on the feed and feel free to ask a question of the passage.

If you are visiting, we would love to hear from you. Please connect with us via:

Today we will hear from the Alana & Brendon Tomlinson and there will be a kid’s spot with Wally & Danga.

In 1 Thess 2:1-12, we discover more about the connection between Paul and this new church. There was a deep affection between the 2 groups - which teaches us a lot about the nature of Christian ministry... and everyday Christian living.

Again, if you are visiting, we would really like to be able to connect with you. Please fill in this form after the service: