November 14, 2021(Fall Quarter): Sunday School Lesson 11 - "Korah's Rebellion" (Numbers 16:1-14). "We are beginning a series of lessons in the books of Leviticus and Numbers that will focus on the importance of living out our faith, especially in difficult times...Our study this quarter in Leviticus and Numbers will help us build our faith so that when it is tested, we will be found faithful. An enduring, unwavering faith must grasp the holiness of God." (Bible Expositor and Illuminator, Fall Quarter 2021, Preparing to Teach the Lesson, p. 10). In this eleventh lesson we discuss the act of rebelling against God and certain characteristics that accompany rebellion that we should avoid. We must trust God and not be overcome by our circumstances. We must exercise grace and forgiveness and intercede through prayer for our brothers and sisters. We must utilize our Spiritual Disciplines to strengthen our resolve in the times we are met with despair and our faith is challenged. We should stay prayerful in all we do and be thankful for God's grace and mercy. Hopefully we will gain an understanding that the holiness of God is to be taken seriously and failure to align our lives with God's righteousness can be spiritually fatal. It is our endeavor that the study of these fall quarter lessons help nurture our minds and spirits and mature us to experience healthier living. Come journey with us as we delve into the Word together.
Music through - Sing a New Song/JOYSPRING