2 Corinthians 6

V. 2, Today is the day

There are two types of people in this world those who get things done now and those who put it off until the last minute. Ben Franklin once said, “Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today”, while Mark Twain said, “Never put off till tomorrow what you do the day after tomorrow.” Two very wise men with two very different perspectives of how life should be lived. Myself, I believe that both are correct. Somethings in life are so important that you don’t want to delay in getting them done, while other things of less importance can be pushed out into the future. The key to a balanced life is to know what can be delayed and what you must take care of right now. In verse two, Paul addresses something that just can’t wait and must be taken care of immediately, salvation.

Paul says that now is the accepted time and that today is the day of salvation. He wanted to let the people of Corinth know that eternal salvation was too important a thing to not deal with right now. A definite reality of this world is that no one knows for sure when they are going to step into eternity. It could be 10 minutes, it could be 10 years from now, or it could be many decades from now but we will all leave this earth by the way of the grave if Jesus doesn’t return before then. The real issue is not when you are going to die but are you spiritually ready to die. Eternity is to be spent in one of two places, eternally separated from God in Hell or eternally united with God in the Kingdom of Heaven. There are no other options, shouldn’t every one of us seriously be seeking the path of salvation and not delay our search for it. Today we should seek out our only source of hope, Jesus Christ. The only way to escape the judgment to come is to repent of our sins and make Jesus the Lord of our life and as Paul said to the people of Corinth, today is the day to make it happen. Do not delay accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior and don’t be caught playing religion because none of us when we will wake up in eternity and no one is promised tomorrow.