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The events of our study today take place in the northern kingdom of Israel. Elisha was the prophet and as we have been studying there have been many examples of the power of God working through Elisha.

What's interesting is that the moral condition of Israel in those days was exceptionally dark. One of the sons of Ahab was reigning as king at this time and he was little better than Ahab who was known for following after other gods. They had turned their back on Jehovah and were going after Molech, the Ashtoreth, Chemosh and others.

But while the nation of Israel had turned their back on God, He was continuing to make Himself known to them by demonstrating his power through Elisha, making known the promises of his Word to them, and giving them the warnings that their unfaithfulness would bring death to the nation.

As we pick up the story in 2 Kings 6, Israel found themselves in battle again with the Syrians and at this point, Syria had the upper hand and had even besieged Samaria, the capital of northern Israel.

Besieging a city was a powerful tactic used in those days to destroy an enemy without risking the lives of the soldiers. And if it was successful, the city would be left intact with only the people destroyed within it.

Things had become so desperate in the city of Samaria that a donkey's head was selling for 80 pieces of silver and two cups of dove's dung was selling for five shekels of silver.

It was in the midst of this terrible famine that God made an unbelievable promise. The famine would end overnight and 2 gallons of flour would be selling for $.65.

But as the story unfolds, it is filled with practical spiritual application and insight for all of us.

Pastor Rich Jones
Rich Jones Sermons
Rich Jones Calvary Chapel
Calvary Chapel Worship Center
Calvary Chapel Hillsboro
Calvary Chapel Beaverton

Pastor Rich Jones
Rich Jones
Rich Jones
Rich Jones Sermons 2015
Rich Jones Sermons 2014

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