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Our story unfolds in the northern kingdom of Israel. God had sent the prophet Elisha to make His power known and to call the people of Israel back to Himself.

It was a time of great spiritual darkness in the kingdom of Israel in the north. One of the sons of Ahab was reigning as king and he was little better than Ahab. They had turned their back on Jehovah and were going after Baal, Molech, Ashtoreth, Chemosh, Astarte and others. As a result, they were growing weaker as a nation.

But while the nation of Israel turned their back on God, He was continuing to make Himself known to them by demonstrating his power through Elisha, making known the promises of his Word to them, and giving them the warnings that their unfaithfulness would bring weakness and death to the nation.

In 2 Kings 6, Israel found themselves in place of national weakness. The army of Aram had besieged Samaria, the capital of northern Israel.

Besieging a city was a powerful tactic of war that could destroy an enemy without risking the lives of the soldiers. If it was successful, the city would be left intact, and the people destroyed within it.

Under siege, the condition of things in the city of Samaria had become so desperate that a donkey's head was selling for 80 pieces of silver and two cups of dove's dung was selling for five shekels of silver, which seems like an extremely exorbitant price. This is what you could call inflation.

This is an economic lesson, by the way, on the strength of nations. It’s important because inflation has recently been in the news. The rate of inflation is now approaching 10%, a 40 year high, and could likely get worse. Inflation is caused by an imbalance between supply and demand. Inflation is a monster and can quickly get out of control and decimate the economic strength of a nation.

I believe economic trouble will contribute to the turmoil and turbulence leading into the latter days. We are seeing a shifting of power in the nations of the world. The economic troubles of the world will also increase as we draw nearer the latter days.

It was in the midst of this terrible famine that God made an unbelievable promise. The famine would end overnight, and one measure of flour would sell for a shekel, and two measures of barley would sell for a shekel... by the next day!

But as the story unfolds, it is filled with practical spiritual application and life lessons.

I. Don’t Remain Outside of God’s Blessing

 When you look at how difficult things had become for Israel, it leads you to ask, "How did this happen? How could it come to this? How could things decline and deteriorate to get to such a point?"

 God speaks to this in the principles of his Word. First, there is the scriptural principle that the way of the transgressor is hard (Proverbs 13).

 Second, they had turned their back on the Lord long before this. In other words, they had departed from God; therefore, they had removed themselves from the hand of God’s protection.

A. Come to the point of turning
 As the king of Israel was passing by on the wall a woman cried out to him for help. The king answered, “If Jehovah does not help you, from where shall I help you?” That much is certain, but he had much to learn.
 When he heard the tragedy of these women, he tore his clothes, and behold, he had sackcloth beneath his royal robe. That sounds like humility; that is something right. But I suggest this is not the kind of humility that brings a man to the point of turning… for he immediately blamed God.
 When he heard how bad things had become, he became angry, “Enough! I can take no more of this! May God do so to me and more also if the head Elisha remains on him today.”
 In other words, he blamed Elisha, and therefore, he claimed God. This is deeply wrong.
 If he was truly humble, instead of blaming the prophet, instead of blaming God, he could have asked for a meeting with Elisha and said, “My father, what shall we do?” That’s truly a ‘come to Jehovah meeting.'

Pastor Rich Jones
Pastor Matthew Dodd
Rich Jones Calvary Chapel
Calvary Chapel Worship Center
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Pastor Rich Jones
Pastor Matthew Dodd
Rich Jones
Matthew Dodd

Rich Jones Church, Rich Jones Christian, Rich Jones Christian Church, Rich Jones Bible Study, Pastor Rich Jones Faith, Rich Jones Teaching, Rich Jones Bible Verse, Rich Jones Truth, Rich Jones Sermons, Rich Jones Calvary Chapel, Calvary Chapel Worship Center, Calvary Chapel Hillsboro, Calvary Chapel Beaverton, Calvary Chapel Portland, Calvary Chapel Oregon