Marriage #265
(Lemuel & His Mother /Her Characteristics/Faithful - Proverbs 31:10 - 31)

This session begins reviewing the outline listed below and picks up where we left off last Sunday at Section III. Proverbs 31:10-31:31, B. "Bathsheba's second installment" and Point d. (1) Suspicion of indifference (1 Peter 2:18-20; 1:21-23; 3:1). This lesson touches on submission, the three levels of humility and grace orientation.

Outline Review of Proverb 31 (Truncated):
I. Introduction to Proverb 31
A. Writer
B. Structure of Hebrew Poetry
C. Lemuel
D. Bathsheba
II. The first Installment of Bathsheba's Wisdom/The actual Instruction (Proverb 31:1-9)
A. Mothers are pretty astute
B. The oracle which his mother taught him
C. The actual instruction
III. The Second Installment of Bathsheba's Wisdom/Preparation to meet the Right Woman
(Proverbs 31:10-31:31)
A. The 2nd installment is much different than the first.
B. Bathsheba's Second Installment in 5 Easy Installments: (Outline)
1. Her COMPETENCE/excellent wife; hard to find; far above pearls (Proverbs 31:10)
2. Her CHARACTER/fears the LORD (Proverbs 31:10)
3. Her CALLING/husband trusts in her; help-mete; to please & be a glory;
(Proverbs 31:11-12)
4. Her CHARACTERISTICS Proverbs 31:23-27
4. Her Characteristics
a. Her characteristics are different from her character
b. Her characteristics can be divided into three major categories.
1) Excellent wife puts diligent effort into "home keeping"
2) Devotion to the Lord is seen in her devotion to her husband
3) Understands the delegation of authority
c. The excellent wife is FAITHFUL
1) Her husband's heart trusts her (Proverbs 31:11a)
a) She is a faithful steward of the husband's estate
b) He trusts in her because she has not frivolously drained him
c) She is careful to guard his reputation and that of the family
2) She will do him good all the days of his life
3) She actually made some income even though she was the wife of a king
(Psalm 104:23) from home to the job.
a) She is not just a penny saved a penny earned girl, she actually gathered
some money
(1) Proverbs 31:13
(2) Proverbs 31:16
(3) Proverbs 31:20
(a) "She extends her hand to the poor"
(b) She has enough money left over to help the poor.
b) 1 Timothy 5:14 "ruler in the home" He rules outside, she rules inside.
(1) Greek Word = compound word oikos = despotes
(a) Oikos = house
(b) Despotes = owner & ruler
(2) Oikodesptes
(a) Luke 22:11 owner of the house
(b) Matthew 20:11 land owner
(c) Matthew 20:1 land owner
(d) Matthew 20:43 head of the house
(3) Despotes (used in reference to God)
(a) Luke 2:29 Lord
(b) Acts 4:24 Lord
(c) Revelation 6:10 Lord
(4) despotes (used in reference to Christ)
(a) 2 Peter 2:1
(b) Jude 4
(5) despotes (used for total power)
(a) 1 Timothy 6:1, 2 master
(b) 2 Timothy 2:21 master
(c) Titus 2:9 master
Join us every Sunday Morning @ 10:30 am as we continue our studies in God's Word. We are now meeting once again face-to-face at the Labor Temple @ 10:30 am.
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