Sermon Outline

Looking Back ...

Recap: Wet Feet

Secret of Strength & Courage

1. Jordan & Jericho Crossing a River & Taking a City
2. Question & Answer. “Are you for us or for our enemies?” “Neither…” (5:13-14 NIV)
3. Takeover & Command “as commander of the army of the Lord I have now come.” “Take off your sandals” (5:14-15 NIV)

Summing Up ...

Victory in Surrender

Worship before Warfare

1. Why was Joshua not given the answer he expected? What is the significance of the answer “No” or “Neither”?
2. Why was Joshua asked to remove his sandals? What is the significance of bare feet?
3. What do we need most when facing our Jericho? How will we face the challenge of Hermon@Henderson?