4/15/20 9:00 am Philippians Devotional #1 - Rejoice in Gospel Partnership! - Philippians 1:1-11

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Rejoice in the Lord!
Paul’s Letter to the Philippians

We live in interesting times. We were unable to worship together during Holy Week. Many have lost some or all of their income. Uncertainty lies behind us, beside us, and before us. How can we as God’s people walk by faith and not by sight in these interesting times?

A good place for us to turn is Paul’s letter to the Christians in the city of Philippi. He wrote to them from Rome. He was under house arrest, awaiting an appeal before the emperor. He could not move freely. He had spent years in Judea unable to move around freely. He had almost died on the journey to Rome. Now he had jailers behind him, beside him, and before him.

In those circumstances he writes to inform his brothers and sisters in Christ about how he was doing. Led by the Spirit he used the word “joy” or a variant of it 16 times in this short letter. He urged them to Rejoice in the Lord always. How could he do that? How can we do that? We will spend 8 weeks looking at this letter. Our first week we will focus on…


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