All right, so we're going to go into chapter 61 as we come toward the end of the book of Isaiah. Here we have the unfolding of literally the whole prophetic program. Now, before the program is over, I'm going to go to a timeline on the board. We're going to show how all the Old Testament prophecies, especially since the call of Abraham and all the way up through the Book of Revelation, not counting Paul's epistles, are all looking forward to the things that would unfold for the Nation of Israel. Everything concerning the Old Testament prophecies is zeroed in on the Jewish people, the Nation of Israel. So, you take Israel out of the mix and you cannot fulfill prophecy. It's just as simple as that. So, contrary to a lot of these theologians, you see, I can look at all these Scripture verses and say, "Now, you're going to tell me that's not valid? That God lied?" But, He didn't, and they are still valid.