Galatians 4:4a

"But when the fullness of the time was come, (What's the next part?) God sent forth His Son,..." Now, from the time the prophets stopped writing and dealing with Israel, which was Malachi, how long was it before the angel appeared to Mary and John the Baptist? How long? Four hundred years of total silence.

Israel had never experienced that kind of silence in her history. So what do you suppose a lot of them began to think? It's not going to happen. God has forgotten all about us. But, beloved, it did. When the fullness of time was come, God moved and Christ appeared. It's the same way today. Oh, you know it's been nineteen hundred and some years now, and a lot of people have almost given up and think that this is never going to happen. Don't you believe it, because it is! I don't know when. It may be a long time, yet. I can't see how it can, but it could be. God is timeless. But I'll tell you, beloved, one day it's going to happen. God's going to move. All right, now where was I?