Join us for our Q&A, Truth Quest Podcast (Episode 216) where you can ask Pastor Robert Furrow from Calvary Chapel Tucson questions from his latest message or about Prophecy, the Bible, or the Christian life. Type your questions in the Comment section, add the word "Question" or "Q," and we will get to them. Thank you!

0:00 Iran attacks Israel
19:03 Abraham was called a “friend of God” (James 2:23) and Enoch “walked with God” (Genesis 5:24). Is it possible today to be closer to one member of the Trinity over the other two?
21:27 Do you think Ezekiel 37:21-22 prevents Israel from the 2-state solution the opposing people keep refusing?
25:25 Since US and UK are helping Israel knock down the drones, does that exclude this from being Ezekiel 38?
29:54 Do you think Uzzah is in heaven? Do you think God forgave him or was his sin great in touching the Ark of the Covenant?
32:59 Persians didn’t worship the god of the Arabs/Palestinians, so why did the Persians believe in a god they weren't initially believing on?
35:15 Does the Bible say the Gog and Magog war happens before or after the rapture?
37:27 Does this attack from Iran today mark a possible start of Ezekiel 38-39?
38:18 The government of Israel and most Jews don’t believe in the New Testament right? So do they interpret this differently?
43:15 Where are we on prophecy times?
50:31 Is this situation prophesied in the Bible?
51:23 Jeremiah 49 God will break the bow of Elam.
52:34 How do I convince pro-choice Christian family members of the humanity of the unborn?