What is the essence of sin? What is it that makes sin so destructive and alienating from God? In this sermon on Jeremiah 2:19 titled “A Fear of the Lord,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones shows that sin is not merely something that people do, but it is a state of the heart and mind. At the center of this state is the complete absence of the fear of the Lord. Just as the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, the absence of this fear is the ground of sin and evil. But humanity does not see sin as the deadly thing that it is. To people, sin is a game and a source of fleeting worldly pleasure. But God tells that all those that sin will suffer for their sin in this life and the next. The truth of the gospel is that God comes to humanity not only in judgment, but also in grace. God has not left anyone without hope—He has sent His only Son into the world to die upon the cross so that sin would be vanquished. All those who repent and believe in Jesus are freed from sin and its curse, and they are made righteous children of God.