October 2, 2022 Sunday Service

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Website: www.crosslifebiblechurch.org
Instagram: www.instagram.com/crosslife_bible_church/
FaceBook Page: www.facebook.com/CrossLifeBibleChurch
FaceBook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/CrossLife.Random

CrossLife College Fellowship
Instagram: www.instagram.com/crosslifecollegefellowship/
FaceBook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/CrossLifeCollegeFellowship

CrossLife Bible Church will be having both indoor and outdoor services every Sunday at 4pm. While this may be a difficult time for many, we encourage you to remember that our God is sovereign over the COVID pandemic and that our hope and joy transcends any medical and physical salvation. We hope that you enjoy this online service and please continue praying for the world and coronavirus.

We require all attendees to be afebrile and asymptomatic. We have surgical masks available at the welcome table. If you are feeling sick at all (coughing, sneezing, vomiting, etc.), please stay at home. Thank you for joining.