- In his continued exposition of the analogies that are used for the church, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones comes to what he views as the deepest analogy of them all—a temple of God. In this sermon on building the temple of God from Ephesians 2:20–22 titled “A Habitation of God,” Dr. Lloyd-Jones points to the two themes of unity and privilege. Unity can be seen by the closeness and necessity of each brick of a building. Each brick can be different, but if one begins to take away bricks, the building will start to fall apart. The privilege of the church can be seen by the nearness to God. “God dwells within her” and this is the greatest privilege. Also, this is a temple being built by God, not by people, and it is a vital building. He exhorts grabbing hold of the nature of the church because a false view leads, and has lead, to issues in the church.