In this sermon on Hebrews 12:28–29 titled “A Kingdom Which Cannot Be Removed,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains the importance of heeding the call to repentance by Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, should not be refused. While the misconceptions and vain philosophies of this age will soon fade, Jesus’s gospel and kingdom is eternal and unshakeable throughout all ages. More importantly, all people will pass, along with this world, and they will have to give account to every thought and deed. The judgement of God will be inescapable, but those who believe in God’s way of salvation through God’s Son will join Him in His everlasting kingdom. Since Jesus sits on the throne and rules His Kingdom forever, Christians will be in His kingdom forever. Christians will be considered as heirs and firstborns in His family. In contrast, those who refuse He who speaks, and instead trusts in their own abilities, will be judged eternally. They will be cast away with the worldly kingdoms and its ruler, the devil. All should consider which kingdom they would like to be in for eternity.