Who is the promised Messiah spoken of in the Old Testament? In this sermon on Isaiah 40:11 titled “A Life in Christ,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones shows that it is Jesus Christ. He is the faithful Shepherd who loves His sheep and lays down His life for them so that they might have eternal life in Him. For by knowing Christ, all can be saved and brought to a true knowledge of God. This message of the incarnation, death, and resurrection of Jesus are the center of all of Scripture. The prophets and the law looked forward to His coming, and the New Testament is inaugurates the new covenant when the wages of sin were paid by the blood of Jesus Christ. Those who repent of their sins and believe in His name are His true sheep. They will hear His voice and seek after Him. They live as new creations who are continually being drawn closer to Christ Jesus by the work of the Holy Spirit. Not only are Christians eternally saved, but they are also cared for constantly by their Creator. This is the great hope in life’s darkest and most trying times. Jesus Christ is the faithful Shepherd.